Meet Cute? Nah, Just Meet

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A/N: Good morning/day/night! I updated a day early! It took me longer because there are four points of views in this chapter. I also added time stamps. -lemons

Reminders: This book is fictional. The idols are real people, but none ofnthis infirmatikn applies to them. Please do not copy my work

September 28th, 2:57 am
Lee Chaeryeong (POV)
I live in a sad world full of embarrassment and shame.

My parents are sleeping, Chaeyeon is sleeping, Chaemin is sleeping, but I am washing clothes at 3:00 am because a sleep deprived guy spilled coffee on me.  I'm going to fail my chemistry test because I haven't studied and because I will have eyebags as voluminous as Kang Taehyun's.
That's what he said his name was.

Kang Taehyun


"Are you okay? Do you want more tissues?"

I stay frozen as he, kneeling, dabs my coffee covered cardigan with tissues. He even asked for my consent to do that. I awkwardly nodded after his request registered in my brain.

Occasionally, he glances up at my face and it's in one of those moments that I decide I will not be mad at this person. I believe him spilling his coffee one me was a honest mistake because: One, he's been sweet and helpful, and two, I would've probably done the same thing out of surprise if I saw a stranger dancing boisterously in the chemistry section of the library.

He gets up with a sigh. "Should I go? I can stay if you want me to it's just I have to study for this important test. Not that you aren't important but-"

This guy is adorable

I chuckle, for I had shaken off my embarrassment. "No worries, you can go."
Hr purses his lips and gets ready to leave before suddenly stopping. "Should I drop you home?"
"No, no, it's okay."
"Alright, well, I'm sorry for my foolishness Ms....?" He asks.
"Chaeryeong. Lee Chaeryeong."
"Kang Taehyun." He bows and walks away.

September 28th, 10:21 am
Huening Kamal Kai (POV)
"Kai, you will be partners with Shin Yena, who is not in attendence today. Here is her school email. You have class time to contact her now," Professor Minatzoki says while handing me a slip of paper.
"Of course professor."
I stride away from Professor's redwood desk before she has the chance to assign me another task. Because she believes I am this 'star student', she gives me all the hard tasks. Like Shin Yena. She's known as a troublesome, aggressive student that barely steps foot onto school grounds. Shes hurt many of my friends. Because of this, when I sit down at my derelict school desk and open my computer, I decide to be a little bit snobby in my email.

Subject: English Project

Good morning/day/night, Shin Yena. We have been assigned to be partners for the 'I am Malala' book project. You  with your countless assignments you need tocatxh up on because of your unexcused absences will almost likely have no time to participate in our project, so I shall do it on my own.
Huening Kamal Kai.

I get a response immediately, something I didn't expect from slacker Shin Yena.

Re: English Project

Excuse me! I haven't missed a day of school and I am not lazy! Besides, I haven't even had English yet. I have it sixth period. Also, who the duck is Yena!
NOT best,
Shin Yuna.

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