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A/N: Hello! I know I've updated early, but I finished the chapter before I though I would so I published. Who knows, maybe  could update again this week :). I'm making no promises but here you go! Enjoy!
Reminder: These are real people so I do not ship them in real life.

Shin Yuna (POV)


"I don't think torturing your locker by repeatedly slamming it will do anything".


"Me either..." I sigh and slide down my locker. I'm unsure. Of what, I don't know. Perhaps everything. I want to join the performance club at my school, Chammelon High School, but I know that my mother would never let me. I remember the last time I mentioned doing something that would not benefit my college application and shudder.
Nobody wants to mess with Shin Yoonmi.
It feels like all she cares about is me getting into a top university and going into a medical or engineering feld. The only reason I'm enrolled in Chammelon despite it's excellence in fine arts is that it also excels in academics. It's an all rounder, consistently ranked as the number one high school in the country.
"You know, cuz, you kind of look like a giraffe from this angle".
"Ryujin, what?" Her deadpan face graced my eyeballs as I scrunched my nose at her.
"Now you look like a little kitten."
"Oh my god, Ryujin, you are not helping!"
"Hey, hey, hey, I'm just being honest. Besides, you need somebody to cheer you up with all your negative energy."
"You're not cheering me up!" I exclaim loudly causing other students to giggle. Lily, a sophomore in my Pre-calculus class gave us a side-eye.

Ryujin's eyes shift.

"Girlie, figure out how to solve your problems! I can help you, but you shouldn't get mad at me!"
As I'm about to retort I small voice pipes up.
"Are you two bickering again?"
Chaeryeong's hands are on her pleated-skirt-clad hips and her eyes are tired and drooping.
"Chaer..." I say with my puppy eyes aimed directly at her.
She purses her lips.
"I heard the whole conversation, and Ryujin is right," Chaeryeong decides.
"Ha!" Ryujin flips her hair. "Cuz, I think you're just hungry."
"She does always get like this when she's hungry." Chaeryeong nods at Ryujin.
"You two act like my mothers," I remark.
"That's because you are a child," replies Chaeryeong.
"A little child who skipped a grade" Ryujin says in a squeaky voice and I see other students looking confused around us. Kim Sunoo, a freshman, giggles. "Now let's go," she says in her normal voice.
With that, we stroll ahead. "Ryujin, you've started to act more like Beomgyu. I think he's rubbing off on you," I say.
"No! Never! Not Beomgyu! I'm not annoying like his long haired self!"
Chaeryeong and I laugh. "Well that was an intense reaction," Chaeryeong chokes out.
"Anyway, have any of you seen Yeji?" Ryujin attempts to change the topic.
"I'm right here!" Yeji, dance team captain, pops out from a classroom with a big smile.
"Hey!" I chirp and Chaeryeong echoes.
"Hi guys. I just dropped Lia off at volleyball. She has to go early cause she's captain."
"Lia!" Chaeryeong, also known as 'Lia's biggest fangirl ever since she conducted an sports interview in 8th grade' exclaims. Then Yeji continues, "Also, Chae, I know you've signed up for the performance club, but Yuna, will you?"
"I want to but my mom won't let me..."
"I don't know bro, do what you want to, I know it's tough," Yeji comforts and her beige Chammelon sweatshirt wraps me up like a present. 
Then she checks her watch and says "Well, we have a dance team meeting to go to, so bye!" 
"Let's go kitty cat," Ryujin says, slinging her arm over Yeji's shoulder.
Chaeryeong turns to me. "Where are you going?"
"Bus cause Ryu's at the meeting so she can't drive me."
"Alright, I'm gonna walk to the library to get some books and study for that  chemistry test tomorrow."
"It's easy."
"For you," Chaeryeong replies.
"No really. I had it today. Please don't overwork yourself."
"As long you eat! A hangry Yuna is an annoying Yuna."
I know she's trying to change the topic but I just go with it.
"I'm not annoying!"
"Precisely," Chae sighed.
Now we're at the bus lot. We observe the sunshine coloured vehicle for a while before I realise that it will leave soon. "I'll text you when I get home!" I yell while racing towards my bus.
"You better!"

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