4. Human

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“AHHHHHHHHH” Nathan screamed as he was thrown off the flying sword once the effect of the invisibility spell and shrinking spell wore off. He was not bounded to the flying sword like the rest of the goods. He was caught off guard by the momentum in which he was thrown off, after all the flying sword was moving at a speed of several light years per minute.

“vbisyietsbiyto” He quickly chanted covering himself with a protective shielding layer, to prevent himself from turning into a shooting star.

Slowly yet steadily the momentum reduced. But he had already entered the surface of earth and the gravitational pull of the earth was not doing him any good. Even with the reduced momentum, the earth’s gravity pulled him to crash into its core.

As he was nearing the surface of the earth, he could see the beautiful aerial view of the earth. Unfortunately, he was in no condition to enjoy the view, as he was in free fall.

Suddenly on the surface of the earth where he would be falling, Nathan noticed a figure. He tensed up. If he didn’t do something to stop himself, he would be directly crashing onto the being and immediately causing its death. He wanted to think of a way but his mind had gone blank in fright. It was his first time outside the boundaries of Angel’s land and he knew nothing.

He was just a few inches above before he could crash into the being when he finally remembered that he had wings.

“Whoosh,” he spread his wings and stopped the free fall just half an inch above the being. His nose almost touched the latter’s.

Nathan blinked and withdrew quickly.

‘A Human.’ Nathan recognized looking at the human sleeping peacefully on the grassy meadow. It was his first time seeing one with his eyes. He had read about humans in books and transcripts. They were supposedly the most intelligent and most troublesome beings.

Nathan observed the human in front of him curiously. Jet-black hair, slightly tanned skin, long eyelashes, chiselled jaw, anything and everything to categorize the human as a handsome one in the mind of the little angel. His gaze then went to the rest of the body. The human had limbs longer than his own.

He watched the human frown slightly, showing signs of waking up. He panicked. What was he going to do? He couldn’t appear in front of the human. He couldn’t lie as he was an angel. He didn’t know what to do.

“Awmmmm” the human yawned and sat up stretching himself. He looked at the black band on his hand that Nathan didn’t recognize and tapped on it.

“Oh god, I can’t believe I slept this long.” The human muttered, standing up in a hurry. He patted his clothes to get rid of the dry grass from it. he didn’t seem to have noticed Nathan who was standing right in front of him.

‘How did I forget that a normal human can’t see me with his naked eye?’ Nathan facepalmed. He quickly follows the human as the latter starts walking. He had nowhere to go. So, he thought he might as well follow the human being and see the human world.

The human walked into the area covered with trees, which Nathan assumed was a forest. As the human made his way through the forest path that seemed familiar to him, Nathan followed him closely behind.

Nathan was following the human so closely that when the latter suddenly halted on his track, he directly bumped into the human.

The human was shuttled by the sudden bumping. As he couldn’t see the angel but still felt that someone bumped into him, turned and looked around. He didn’t see any or anything. He frowned as wondered if he was just hallucinating that he was bumped into by something in the middle of the forest.

At the same time, the little angel, who had bumped into the human was rubbing his nose, finding the human’s body rock hard as they collided. That was when he realized that the human was now looking directly at him. He covered his mouth with both hands, his eyes wide in fear of being seen by the human. He didn’t even dare to breathe until the human looked away.

“I must have slept too much.” The human said and shrugged, turning back to walk to the stream nearby.

Nathan let out a sigh of relief that the human couldn’t see him. He was silently scolding himself for not watching where he was going. Suddenly he froze, his eyes widening as he saw the scene in front of him.

The human was standing on the bank of the stream and stripping himself down to his birth suit before entering the cold water.

Nathan covered his eyes with both hands, feeling his cheeks heat up. Through the gap between his fingers peeking at the human. He had never seen anyone completely naked not even himself. As an angel, he was pure and innocent. Yet the view in front of him seemed to be corrupting him.

The human body seemed like one of the best creations of God. It was well sculpted, and streamlined with no trace of fat. The skin was smooth and glowing without any sign of blemish. The long, lean, muscular limbs of the human, made powerful strokes against the water as he moved across the stream. The small droplets of water that stuck to his body seemed to be glistening under the sun's rays. 

The human who was oblivious to the presence of the little angel who was standing on the bank of the stream, cosplaying a ripe tomato, was swimming in the stream. He settled himself in between the rocks. The water from the small waterfall nearby fell right on top of him like a shower.

The human ran his fingers through his hair, combing the long bangs back, exposing his face completely. He had a small smile on his lips, causing the little dimple on his cheeks to be on full display. He splashed the water around him as he changed his position to lay on his back and float on the water with his eyes closed. He was at peace. 

Nathan found himself being captivated by the view of him and he didn’t know why. He couldn’t comprehend how he could be so affected by a human being he met a few hours ago. He came to the conclusion that it must be because the human being was the only living being he had come across other than the angels.

He was now squatting on the bank of the stream watching the human bath. The initial shyness was gone now as he ogled at the human bathing in the stream, completely losing track of time. He felt his throat dry.

“No, Nathan. Snap out of it. He is just a human being.” Nathan slapped his cheeks as a few lewd thoughts crossed his mind.

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