9. Imprisoned

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Nathan stood looking at the shiny floor. The tiny lightning bolts around him prevented him from moving about. He looked completely unbothered, unlike the raging population outside the lighting cage.

The only thing that bothered him was that he had no idea how he reached back into the Angels' land. He was so sure that no one would even notice that he was gone. But he ended up being caught. Not only was he caught, but he was practically dragged to the Imperial Court of Angels' land.

He was now being fried left, right and centre by the older angels for leaving the place without permission. But, he didn't regret it at all. One thing that he regretted was he got too excited and forgot to be on guard causing him to end up getting caught.

"Your Majesty, we should severely punish him for breaking the rules and regulations of the Angels. land" One of the elder angels sitting at the corner spoke. "We must punish him and set an example to all those young angels who wish to leave our land!"

Nathan mentally made a face at the elder. 'If you had given them the opportunities they deserved instead of locking them up within the boundaries of this land, they wouldn't have wished to escape like me.' He thought in his mind.

All the elders were advocating the fact that Nathan should be punished as per the tradition. But the final decision was left to the Queen. She held the supreme power. 

Diana, the Queen mother of the Angel's land, was observing Nathan closely. She could see something the rest of the elders couldn't see. A thin layer of glow around him. That was something that she hadn't seen in any angel for so many years. The last time she saw such a glow was in Angel Claire who was Nathan's mother.

She was practically Nathan's grandmother. Both of his parents were pure-blooded angels, which meant that they were descendants of the Queen mother.

Claire had always been her favourite among all the younger generation of angels. But the favouritism dropped after she found the glow on the younger angel. She instantly knew that Claire had done something that she wouldn't approve of.

But there was nothing she could do back then, nor could she do anything now, in the case of Nathan. She could only think of it as God's decision and accept it.

An eunuch entered the court. "Your Majesty, Angel Claire is seeking permission to enter the court." He said with a bowed head.

Diana felt a headache coming her way. She knew that Claire was here because her son was imprisoned. She also knew that Claire was a really stubborn being and wouldn't back off until her needs were met.

Murmurs rose within the courtroom as the elders started whispering to each other.

Everyone knew Angel Claire. She had been the youngest angel to be part of the Council of Elders. But she fell in love with a fellow Council member and gave up her position to get married to him.

The couple was removed from the Council of Elders for disobedience which led to a huge drop in power of the Council. The angels who replaced them weren't even half as powerful as either of them.

Massaging her temples, Diana spoke. "Let her in." There was no way out than letting Claire enter the court.

The eunuch opened the huge door to the courtroom. Claire nodded thanking the eunuch and walked into the courtroom confidently, as if she owned the place.

"Greetings, Your Majesty." Claire bowed gracefully greeting the Queen Mother.

"What brings you here, Claire?" Diana frained ignorance.

"Replying to Your Majesty, I came here because I heard that my youngest son is being held hostage by someone." Claire's ice-cold gaze swept through the rows of Elders, making them break out in sweat.

"Angel Claire, I hope you can mind your language. Your son isn't being held hostage here. He was brought here for the trial for breaking the rules of the Angel's land!" Angel Levi said in a tone laced with disappointment.

"May I know what rules my son had broken, Elder Levi?" Claire looked at the elder who used to adore her like his own daughter in the past. He was so against her marrying Nathan's father that he cut ties with her immediately after he found out about her wedding. 

"He first trespassed into the transport department of the Jewel Ridge Institute," Levi answered with a hint of rage. 

Claire snickered in mockery. "If your Institute's security system is so weak that even a young angel like my son who has no experience in any mission can break into it, isn't it a fault from your side, Elder Levi? I think instead of sitting here and pointing your fingers at my son, you should be at your institute, figuring out a way to correct your flawed security system."

"Pfft" A peal of laughter escaped Nathan's lips as his mother started to roast the elders. 

The elders glared at the young angel inside the lightning cage.

"Angel Claire, that isn't the only rule he broke. He went out of the boundaries of the Angel's land without getting permission!" Rosh found it outrageous that a young angel had the guts to treat the rules and regulations they set up as nothing.

Claire turned to face Rosh. "With all due respect, Elder Rosh, as the Head of the Jewel Ridge Institute, I am sure that you know that my son here has completed all the required education and excelled in the qualifying test that every angel from your institute should take. He holds the record for being the best performer so far.

Yet, to date, my son has never been given an opportunity to take part in any mission. I am not dumb enough not to realise the conspiracy behind the matter."

"Are you saying that we are conspiring against your son, Angel Claire?" Rosh was enraged by the accusation.

"I don't see any other viable explanation for gatekeeping my son from getting any opportunity to take on missions, Elder Rosh." Claire flashed a thin smile at the Elder. "You might not be part of the conspiracy. But there are people here, who have both means and motive to be an obstacle in my child's path." She swept her gaze to the few elders who looked away.

"A lot of people here know that my son will outshine their descendants if he is given the same amount of opportunities as those losers." Claire sneered.

"Who are you calling losers, Angel Claire?" Jack, the angel who replaced her in the Council jumped up in anger.

"Whoever replied to my call," Claire smirked. She knew she had touched the raw nerve of many of the Elders in the Council who had worked behind kicking her and her husband out.

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