hi .

888 15 1

hi hello !! welcome, again to another half assed chatfic I made </3 istg I think I'm going insane at this point

uhh pls don't mind some grammatical errors 💔

I use phrases like "kys, im gonna kms" etc. and if your not comfy w it pls don't continue any further, you'll see multiple of em andddd oc is fem btw, uses they/them. u can interpret the oc as u tho!

uhh,, I think that's it? oh wait no, oc is filipino 💪💪 specifically they speak waraynon/waray-waray but dw I'll add translations, if I can translate them that is 😓😓 I'll try for u pookies tho 💞💞

but yea I think that's it, have fun pookies 💞

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