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hugo is a wonderful person from a city named Auckland. He usually wakes up at 6 AM and likes eating salad for breakfast because he's a vegetarian and doesn't eat meat.

It's a routine that he does every morning and lots of people want to be just like him until... you see his true colors.

His wording is very professional, which can also help you improve your vocabulary and speaking skills. Extending your vocabulary can really help you get forward in life. It's a positive remark.

But a negative remark is that he often corrects people and speaks whenever it isn't his turn. It doesn't happen often, but it also isn't rare.

Hugo is a person that doesn't follow trends and is rarely on his phone and usually replies to messages after hours.

One day it was a beautiful and sunny day. Siliner looked incredible in her new jeans which she bought for 50 Euros. She looked absolutely stunning! But when we were sitting in the train... Hugo said.

"Siliner.. did you gain 3 Kilograms?"

All of us were shocked that something so negative came out of his mouth. The AUDACITY to say that to a woman is absolutely unacceptable. That was one of the many experiences that happened in Hugo's life.

The End.

Once upon a time, in the vibrant city of Auckland, there lived a man named Hugo. He was known for his unwavering commitment to his principles, and his vegetarian lifestyle was an inspiration to many. Every morning, like clockwork, Hugo would wake up at 6 AM, ready to seize the day. He had a peculiar breakfast routine that left people in awe—instead of indulging in typical morning meals, he would savor a delicious salad, brimming with vibrant colors and fresh ingredients.

Hugo's morning ritual had garnered him a significant following. People admired his discipline and aspired to be just like him. They marveled at his healthy lifestyle and how he nourished his body with plant-based goodness. He became somewhat of a local celebrity, often approached by strangers seeking his guidance on adopting a vegetarian lifestyle.

However, there was a side of Hugo that not many were aware of—a side that tainted the admiration people had for him. While his vocabulary was indeed impressive and his professionalism evident, Hugo had a habit of correcting others and interjecting into conversations, even when it wasn't his turn to speak. It wasn't a constant occurrence, but it happened frequently enough to dampen the enthusiasm others felt towards him.

Despite his quirks, Hugo possessed a rare quality of independence. He refused to be swayed by societal trends and spent little time on his phone, preferring to engage in real-life interactions. Responding to messages after hours became the norm for him, showcasing his commitment to being present in the moment.

One sunny day, as the city of Auckland basked in golden rays, a woman named Siliner crossed paths with Hugo. She had recently bought a pair of stunning jeans for 50 Euros and radiated confidence as she walked. Siliner was excited to see Hugo, believing that he would compliment her on her new purchase.

However, as they sat together on the train, Hugo uttered words that left everyone flabbergasted. With a hint of judgment in his voice, he asked, "Siliner, did you gain 3 kilograms?" The question hung in the air, piercing through the warmth of the day and striking Siliner's self-esteem like an arrow.

The audacity of Hugo's comment sent shockwaves through their social circle. People were appalled that such negativity could come from someone they held in high regard. It was an unacceptable breach of social decorum, especially directed at a woman.

And with that, the tale of Hugo, the enigmatic figure from Auckland/Arschhausen, came to an end, leaving behind a valuable lesson for all who had witnessed his journey.

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