Part 16

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'What's the matter with that?'

'Apart from the fact I'm not an object of my father's to be given away?'

'He's traditional. It's about respect.'

'But you're you,' she reminded him.

'What is your point?'

'That you're the last man on earth to ask anyone for anything.'

'True, but the circumstances here are unique. My relationship with your brother, your parents... I can't ignore your father's wishes. I'll speak to him first.'

She hadn't expected this old-fashioned insistence and she had to remind herself it was just about respect of her father, nothing more.

'Good.' He turned the page of the contract. 'What kind of wedding do you want?' He peppered her with questions for the next hour, nutting out details she hadn't considered, until finally he dropped the pen and rocked back on his heels. 'That should do it.'

'Very comprehensive,' she agreed, wondering why the butterflies in her tummy seemed more excited than anxious.

'I'll have my office draft a press release tomorrow.'

'I've already done it,' she said, aware of the look on his face that spoke of being impressed. 'But what I don't have is a photo of us. It would be better if we could submit the press release with some kind of image. Do you mind if we take a selfie?'

He looked at her for several beats. 'Of course not. Mind if I see it?'

'The press release?'

He nodded once.

She reached into her handbag and withdrew a final piece of paper, handing it to him with fingers that shook slightly.

Lalisa Manoban  announces engagement to Jeon Jungkook

'Well, for a start...' he paused '...I'll make the announcement.' He grabbed his pen and drew an arrow from his name to hers, indicating that they should swap.

'Why? Because you're the guy?' She almost poked out her tongue.

'Sure.' He shrugged his shoulders as though submitting to such outmoded patriarchal ideas wasn't innately offensive. 'And because you want your ex to seethe with jealousy. So, let's make it seem like I've pursued you, and finally won you over. How about...?' He scratched a confident line through the title. '"Jeon Jungkook is delighted to announce engagement to Lalisa Manoban "?'

Her heart did a little flutter, but she nodded curtly, as though it was an insignificant detail. 'Sounds good.'

He continued to read:

'"After a brief courtship, Lalisa Manoban  is pleased to announce—"' He paused, put the lid on the pen and then shook his head.

'On second thoughts, this is way too stilted.'

'Well, what do you want me to do? How should we say it?'

He withdrew his phone from his pocket and clicked a few buttons, then let out a low whistle. 'You have a heap of followers on Instagram. Why not just announce it there?'

'Instagram?' She shuddered, the idea of social media covering her skin in goosebumps. The whole concept of social media was to put oneself out there, to exhibit and display, and beyond a few photos of artworks she'd been particularly proud of, Lisa  had never taken to using the communication medium much at all. 'I'm not really into it.'

'I can see that. But regardless, you have many followers, and major news networks are bound to pick it up.'

'I guess that's more in keeping with what people do,' she agreed anxiously.

'So why don't we call your parents now and let them know, then you can post a photo and be done with it? My company will share any post you make. News will get around swiftly.'

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