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'Doctor? Can you tell how far along I am?'

'It's difficult to say without doing a scan, but going from the level of hormones in your blood I'd say around six weeks.'

Lisa  thought her heart might burst. 'That makes sense,' she smiled serenely, disconnecting the call a moment later and looking up at Jungkook .

'Does it?' he repeated, with wonder.

'I think it happened on our last night here, in the pool. It was when I knew, without a shadow of a doubt, how much I loved you.'

He tilted his head back and laughed, then wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her into the air, spinning her around then slowly sliding her down his body, kissing her when their faces were level. 'You had no idea?'

'None,' she promised. 'I've been so distracted...'

'And at least I know now that your food aversion wasn't sparked by my awful behavior.'

She shook her head, not wanting to tell him how hard his rejection had hurt. She leaned closer, lifting up onto her tiptoes to kiss him, as everything in her world clicked into place.

'I love you,' he said, and they were the three most beautiful words in the world because they were true and right and always would be. She held him tight and loved him back, with all her heart, her soul, and every single piece of her, for all time.


SECOND CHANCES IN life were a gift, not a guarantee, and Jungkook  and Lisa  knew that deep in their bones. They'd been given a second chance and neither was willing to waste a moment of it.

Epíneio became not just a haven but also a home, a place for the family to gather and celebrate, to be together, to make loud, happy memories, and also to remember. Minho  was spoken of so often that he felt very much a part of their lives, and when his namesake was born, eight months after Jungkook  and Lisa  recommitted to one another on Epíneio, it was with the certainty that little baby Minho  would always know about his uncle.

Lisa's parents visited as often as his health would allow, and when he became too weak to travel to the island, Lisa, Jungkook  and baby Minho  visited his home in Athens. He lived to see Minho  turn one, and Lisa's belly grow round with their second baby, to witness her first art showing in years, to marvel at her talent, and to recognize her finally, fully, as the woman she'd always been destined to become.

When Lisa's father died there was grief and sadness, and so much heartache, but there was also hope and joy, because his life had been long and lived with meaning, and just as they honored Minho, they honored him and kept his memories with them always.

A cottage was built for Lisa's mother on Epíneio, and after the birth of their fifth child, Jungkook  and Lisa  were ever grateful to have a doting grandmother on hand to help care for their children and to allow them the freedom to occasionally travel as a couple. For as much as they loved their children—and they did, with all their hearts—their family of seven had begun as two, and the love of that pair was something special and beautiful that each wanted to celebrate, whenever they could.

There was no contract that could contain their love, no term or agreement that could bind them more than the agreement their hearts had made, secretly, quietly, a long, long time ago.

Jeon Jungkook was not a man to make mistakes, and as it turned out he hadn't.



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