Prologue: Gaze Into Infinity

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(??? POV)

Everyone thinks of Academy City as a romantic paradise with top-of-the-line security undeterred from even the most brutal forms of violence in the city's streets. But I've seen, how the power to control even the smallest force in the world feels powerful, and invincible even if they're pathetic individuals who only seek their success. Anti-skill let me join them because I'm the best there is because I can do what so many else can't, and when you're dealing with the filth on the streets like I do you start to realize why they need a competent esper on their side.

Just walking down the streets in my free time isn't safe anymore as I see a bank explode directly across the street from my walking path. I abandon my afternoon plans knowing that I'm in for a long one as I dash across the street. I whip out my pistol and prepare for the worst.

(Third Person POV)

It was a peaceful day at [UNAMED BANK LOCATION] 10 minutes ago until 3 armed men breached the bank walls and took hostages consisting of men, women, and children all non-discriminately. 

"Where's the bank manager? reveal yourself or this kid gets his brains blown out like a make-shift Pez dispenser!" one of the armed men exclaimed, clearly rushed and on edge.

The bank manager promptly revealed himself in an attempt to get the ordeal over with. 

The situation escalated even further with the bank manager being held at gunpoint as the robber demanded he open the vault. "Alright, alright follow me." the bank manager made sure to make his intentions loud and clear to prevent any confusion with the unstable robbers.

Before they could even respond the bank's security shutters were pierced by a gas canister moving at high speed. The moment it made contact the bank immediately filled with gas causing everyone who dared to inhale the gas to shit their pants immediately.

"What the fuck!?" The robbers exclaimed. Everyone from the staff to the hostages was equally confused about why the hell the bank was flooding with laxatives of all things. Once the confusion died down a green-haired boy wearing a gas mask burst through the shutters and started fucking blasting.

"Anti-skill bitches you're under arrest!" The boy exclaimed with a tone dripping with confidence and authority. The first volley of shots was enough to incapacitate 2 of the gunmen who breached the bank leaving a single one left to resist.

"Anti-skill? shit how the hell did you get here so fast! it doesn't matter you're going to die anyways!" The robber threatened and then hastily aimed his gun at the boy's head. He pulled the trigger as a single 9mm round exited the barrel of his gun moving at high speed separating his crime spree from the cold, firm hand of justice.

"Is this a joke? did you think killing me would be enough to make me die?" his speech was slightly muffled because after everyone had time to process the situation they realized that the bullet was caught directly between his teeth, perfectly stopped with no damage to the boy. "What the hell is this bullshit? stay back you monster!" The robber backed up slowly with fear dripping from his every action as he fired bullet after bullet to no avail. Each round dropped from the air seemingly running out of energy from the very moment it even approached the boy.

"You had your chance game's over." With a loud bang a single homing bullet fired from his pistol whizzed through the air faster than the robber could process and the moment it made contact with his soft fleshy forehead, the incident was over with barely a feather ruffled.

The boy pulled his phone out of his pocket before promptly calling Anti-Skill to clean up the mess. "This is Enforcer delivering priority 1 pick up an order for 3 gunmen charged with intimidation, assault, resisting arrest, and grand larceny." After placing the backup request he put the phone down and began checking up on the victims.

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