chapter 2

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《There what!?...》

Eventually it was lunch time. Students spilled out of there classrooms happy to have a break and to eat and chat with there friends.

Cheong-san walked with su-hyeok and there friends to lunch. Once they got to the cafeteria they got there lunch and sat down to eat. But they spent more time talking and goofing around then actually eating.

Onjo sat in silence as i-sak looked at her. " ok" she said as onjo looked at i-sak.

"Yeah...just...thinking" she said as she actually started to eat her food. I-sak nodded as she ate befor she spoke.

"So is it true" i-sak said as onjo looked at her confused "is what ture?"onjo asked as i-sak giggled a bit "you know is it true you and namra are going out" i-sak said as onjo nudged i-sak in the arm.

"No...where did you get that from" she asked as i-sak smiled "well evryone knows you and namra talk secretly during lunch so we figured you two where dating or somthing" i-sak said as onjo felt her heart beat faster.

"Well where not...where just friends" she said as she continued to eat. But she couldn't keep things from i-sak ahe told her evrything. But in reality onjo liked namra a lot and was planning on asking her out but was to afraid.

"....i-sak...look you can't tell anyone what I'm bout to tell you...understand" onjo said as i-sak looked at her "hm? Tell me what?" She asked as onjo leaned closer to i-sak and wisperd "I actually do have a crush on namra" she said as i-sak gasped "what really!" She ssid loudly as people looked at her.

"Shut up....but yes. I talked to su-hyeok if he he knew anyone that liked namra or to ask someone out but he said no....but remember Don't say anything about this to anyone" she said as i-sak nodded smiling.
Onjo sighed and continued to eat and eventually the two finished as they got up to put there trays away.


"You should ask her out im sure she'll say yes" i-sak said as onjo rolled her eyes "ive been wanting to but im just to nervous" she said befor she felt like another tray was placed on hers. Of course it was cheong-san's tray
"hey put mine away to gopher" he said proudly as onjo rolled her eyes "whatever" she said as she seen cheong-san walk away.

"He's so annoying" i-sak said as onjo nodded In agreement as they put there trays away.


Cheong-san was walking down a hall to the basketball court to play with su-hyeok but then he stopped when he heard screams. He turned and went to the source of the screams, he found it but was horrified by what he say. I studdent....biting another student. Cheong-san got the student off of the other as he looked at her neck. It was bleeding like crazy. cheong-san took her upstairs to some kind of safty since there where more students who looked crazy running there way. He was going up stairs when the student just collapsed. He looked at her to pick her up but she started to twitch as the sounds of breaking bones could be heard befor she tried attacking cheong-san. He kicked her down the stairs as he went up only to see more of what he assumed where zombies. He went up again going to his class but of course the door wasn't opening. He opened the window as he looked at Gyeong-su "hey open the door Moran!" he said as Gyeong-su opened it quickly befor closing it.

Gyeong-su looked at cheong-san befor he spoke "how is it out there. Are we des dor what?" he asked as cheong-san sighed "bad" he said befor he started looking around realizing onjo or su-hyeok whernt there.

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