Where the hell is she?

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I drove up to the salon, got out of my car an ran inside, "Have you seen this woman," I said holding up her photo, they all shook there heads no," Her name is Cassie."

I walked out to the car upset. An then my phone goes off, "Hello." I said not looking at the called id. "Baby, I think someone stole the Porsche." an then I realized it was Cassie. "Nope, nobody stole it, Jackson... my Beta you know that guy. Well I had him pick it up." I said I hear her gasp.

" Why Ashy, you knew I was at work." she said so softly. "Because when I went to bring you Starbucks this morning, you were off today. So don't Ashy me!" I said an thing hung up an threw it into the passenger seat.

I took off driving until I got to Coffin Cliff. It is a 900ft. ocean side cliff, I get out of my car an sit on the edge. People rarely come here, an this is the last place I was with my parents, who I miss dearly. At this moment, I felt my heart drop an shatter into a million pieces. I began to feel the tears run down my face.

I could feel the wolf inside me, whimpering in pain as her heart ached.

An it then all went black, as I laid back an stared at the sky, as my eyeliner leaked down both of my cheeks.

I felt a wet damp cloth on my cheeks, an than voice than a could belong to an angel," She is beautiful." I slowly opened my eyes, rubbing my face. " Hello, are you okay." I open my eyes to see a pair of beautiful bright green eyes staring back into mine. It was a boy an he was...SHIRTLESS! An tan he was gorgeous, "Um, Sweetie are you okay, you aren't saying anything." I zoned back in, "Umm Uhh, yes I'm F-Fine." I say soring to my car. "Wait! I didn't mean to frighten you." I paused an turned around, "Hi, I'm Ashley." I say looking down at the ground.

"Well Ashley, I'm Mason. If you don't mind me asking, what made you so upset?" he said with a smirk.

"Liars, an heart ache." I replied

it was silent for a moment, an then he spoke," I wouldn't hurt a beautiful girl like you." when he said that I began to blush. I then gave him my number and said," Call me later."

I get home an I find Cassie in our bed asleep, "I'm going to stay in Jackson's room tonight." I say grabbing my pajamas. She shrugged her shoulders an said under her breath, " Bitch." just as I shut the door. Although it hurt I pretended I didn't hear her.

I walk into Jackson's room," May I sleep on your love seat?" I say to him as his face looked shocked, but he quickly replied," Yes Alpha, Ma'am, Sir." I couldn't help but giggle.

I walked into the bathroom an changed into my pajamas, then plopped down on the couch. " It has been one hell of a day, an tomorrow we have a full day of training." he smiled an nodded smiling.

The next morning I rose from the couch an walked up to my room an noticed the window was busted an Cassie was gone.

I slipped my shoes on an jumped out the window an followed the scent into the woods. I kept following it till I smelt a nasty an disturbing scent," Rouge Vampires." I said under my breath. I looked down an found a note that said, "You don't find me I find you." I ran back to the house, an gathered my pack in the living room.

"Does anyone smell a nasty scent?" I said to them an they all stared at me funny. An then one of the children spoke up," You mean like the scent of a rouge vampire?" I nodded my head yes an everyone gasped. " We have made peace with them before. Hell we have had parties with them." everyone smiled remembering that party. "But we have a Vampire that has betrayed us, one of them as broken to my room, an taken my mate is what I purpose has happened." I passed the note to my beta who began to pass it around.

Then I saw the eyes of a girl in my pack, go wide." Lorain. What is it." I spoke sounding concerned. An the only word to leave her mouth was, "Kaiden."


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