Star Wars - Starkiller

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Long ago in a galaxy far, far away...


The orbital battle station was engulfed with an explosion of force energy. The last thing Galen Marek could remember was shouting to his mentor to get the senators to safety - with Darth Sidious blown back from the explosion, Galen Marek code named Starkiller lay lifeless on the ground. Vader, who had suffered a great deal of damage to the suit that keeps him alive stepped up to the lifeless body of his former acolyte.

Vader couldn't help but feel a sense of sadness - not for his apprentice but for what he tried to train Galen for. Starkiller was meant to help Darth Vader in his master plan of overthrowing Darth Sidious, killing him and allowing Vader to rule the galaxy himself. Now with the plan he so thought he masterfully set into motion lying dead before him Darth Vader would have to continue to follow the rule of the most powerful Sith in the Galaxy.

At the far end of the battle station the doors opened revealing a dozen armed and ready to do battle Stormtroopers, yet for a brief moment, the Stormtroopers hesitated before entering. At this moment entering now would be like entering the den of a hungry Rancor that had not eaten in days; their lives were in more danger than they could have ever imagined. At any other time Sidious would have killed these Stormtroopers for failing at securing the station's defenses, however in his weakened state, Sidious knew it was best not to - he had to be certain that Starkiller's allies were no longer on board - or a threat. Sidious, looking their way gave an infuriating gaze almost stopping them in their tracks; his frightening glance and haunting features sent a shiver down their spines. Stepping forward breaking what felt for them like an eternity of fear was a single Stormtrooper. "Take him." Said Sidious in a haunting voice. The Stormtrooper made his way over to Starkiller's body and slowly knelt down beside him. The Stormtrooper with a slight pause reached and gently removed the lightsaber hilt from the hand of the now dead Jedi. He stood up and motioned for his men to come forward and as a unit they lifted Starkiller bringing the body of the Jedi to what can only be described as a medical laboratory. They gently placed the body of the Jedi on the medical table and left, all except a single Stormtrooper who still held the lightsaber hilt tightly in his hand; he looked back and watched as the Imperial medical droids prepared themselves for the horrors of they were programmed to perform. A slight nudge from another Trooper brought him out of his daze and he nodded. "I'll be right behind you." he said.

"Good. We have to sweep the area. Direct orders from Lord Vader." Said the other Stormtrooper upon leaving. Yet as he held the lightsaber hilt, he couldn't help but feel that all hope was dying before him. He exhaled and left to follow the orders of Lord Vader.

Hulking medical droids loomed over the body of the Jedi, poking and prodding the body extracting blood samples and DNA for Darth Sidious' cloning research. The Force held his life in its hands keeping him from fully dying at that moment. After hours of the droids extracting samples from him a surge of energy swept over him and he was able to slightly move his fingertips. He could sense the presence of droids around him and chose to remain still further allowing the droids to think he was dead. It wasn't until the readings revealed that life coursed through him that the droids realized that they had to contain him. The alarms were set off and as they alerted to the potential threat, the doors burst open to reveal the Stormtrooper who was brave enough to step forward. The Stormtrooper blasted the droids and rushed in to check on the life signs of Starkiller; he reached into his armor and pulled out a stim and injected it into Starkiller's arm. The healing injection coursed through Starkiller and assisted in helping him with the pain he was in. The Stormtrooper hoisted Starkiller up from the medic table holding up his limp body as they struggled to run down the corridors until they were able to reach the Battle Stations escape pods. He punched in the codes that opened the door and placed Starkiller inside strapping the wounded man in tight. The Stormtrooper then tucked the lightsaber belonging to the Jedi safely in Starkiller's tunic before stepping back. Starkiller, who was in and out of consciousness glanced at the panicked Stormtrooper sensing his fear, but he could not understand why someone who followed the Imperial rule would risk his life to save him. As the Stormtrooper punched in the coordinates the sealed doors behind him exploded open revealing the silhouette of Darth Vader. In a frantic motion the Stormtrooper began firing recklessly in hopes of postponing Vader long enough for Starkiller to escape. Blaster firing ripped through the air causing Vader to stop them midair, holding them back with the force. Without pause the Stormtrooper continued to fire as the escape pod finally ejected blasting free and taking off through the emptiness of space.

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