A Race

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*A small but noticeable smirk grew on Sweeties's face but non of the pups or Ryder took note of that as they were too happy and surprised to see Chase*
Skye: CHASE, You, You Came
Chase: Of course I did, I wouldn't leave you behind
*Skye smiled when he said that but Marshall, Rubble, Zuma, and Everest exchanged confused looks with each other when he said as they were slightly confused at that sentence but Rocky and Ryder smiled as they were happy to see Chase*
Chase:You two (he said with a quiet but aggressive manner referring to Sweetie and Claw, Claw quickly turned around to face Chase and he he held his gun up at Chase)
Chase: Don't even try me, unless of course you want yourself standing here to be the last thing you ever do
*Claw once again lowered the gun but this time he put it away instead of just keeping it out*
Chase: And You, Turn around slowly (He ordered clearly referring to Sweetie, he still had that aggressive tone in his voice, Sweetie proceeded to turn around but Chase could tell by her facial expression that she was slightly amused)
Chase: Care to share the joke
Sweetie: Oh sorry *chuckles* it's just so amusing how much of a idiot you sound
Chase: Pffft, me being idiotic, please (he said with a evil grin)
Sweetie: *Giggles* Are supposed to be scaring me
Chase: That wasn't really my intention, no
Sweetie: I can see that (she said sarcastically)
Chase: Its nice to know your able to see how much of a a**hole you are
Sweetie: Really, is that so
Chase: Yeah I think so
Sweetie: Oh, we'll thanks for letting me know
*the was a couple seconds of silence before someone spoke up*
Chase: What do you want Sweetie
Sweetie: That's sweet taste of revenge
Chase: Revenge for what
Sweetie: For what you took away from me
Chase: Dang, so much for just an M5
Sweetie: I said it to your recycle mutt friend and I'm gonna say it to you, it's not just about the car
Chase: Say anything like that about Rocky again and it'll be the last words that come out your mouth, and if your referring to when your boyfriend died in that accident, it's his fault, he didn't have his dumba** seatbelt on when we retrieved the body, neither did your, your lucky your alive
*Sweetie's face was full of rage but that soon faded into a evil grin*
Chase: What's with the face
Sweetie: You ever heard the old saying, An Eye For An Eye
Chase: Don't even think of touching them
Sweetie: Oh, sorry mabye I wasn't clear enough, i wasn't referring to them, I was referring to her (she said looking at Skye) but since she's your you know what, I thought we she stir things up a bit
Chase: Oh yeah, and how do you plan to do that
Sweetie: A Race
All the Pups and Ryder: A Race ? (They all asked making sure they heard correctly)
Sweetie: A Race
Claw: You can't be serious
Sweetie: Oh I am very serious my friend, One Race, Jakes Mountain to the lookout, pinkslip winner takes all
Claw: Your sure about that
Sweetie: Oh I am most definitely sure, it all depends on what Mr tough guy here thinks (she said referring to Chase, Chase was in deep thought on how to answer that question)
Sweetie: Rules are simple, you win, she lives and I leave, and I mean properly leave, back to London. Lose, and it's Bye Bye for little cockapoo over here
*Nervous faces grew on the Pups and Ryder's face, especially Skye*
Sweetie: So what's it gonna be
Chase: *Thought for a bit more* If I win, you leave forever?
Sweetie: Yup, and never come back
Chase: ... Ok, your on, now let them go
Sweetie: Claw, let them out the cages, and untie Ryder (she ordered but she made a small gesture signalling Claw not to unlock the cage Skye was in)
* All the Pups and Ryder rushed to Chase to give him a hug and thank him for rescuing them*
Ryder: Thanks Chase
Chase: No problem Ryder sir
*They all started walking out the room but Chase didn't move because he saw that Skye was still locked in a cage*
Chase: HEY, what about her (he yelled and all the pups stopped and turned around)
Sweetie: Oh yeah I almost forgot, I have another deal
Chase: I already agreed to race you, now let her go
Sweetie: We'll hold on now, let's not rush off anywhere, I'll let her go if you give me one more thing
Chase: What is it this time
Sweetie: A kiss
Chase: Excuse me
Sweetie: What, it's just a kiss, let's see how much you really love her, if you want her to be out of that cage and with you, all you have to do is give me a kiss
Chase: You can't be serious
Sweetie: We'll I've said it twice and I'm gonna lose my patience if I say it a third time so make a decision
*Chase looked at Skye with a nervous face but Skye didn't say anything, She just looked at Chase and gave him a small, not very noticeable smile*
Chase: One kiss ?
Sweetie: One kiss
Chase: ... Alright let's get this over with (he said as he slowly inched closer to Sweetie)
*Chase took one more look at Skye and then leaned in for the kiss*
Chase: I'm sorry Skye (he said to himself before his and Sweetie's lips connected, Chase kissed Sweetie as if he was kissing Skye and after a minute they separated*
Chase: Satisfied?
Sweetie: Very
Chase: Now let her go
*Sweetie signalled Claw to go and let Skye out of the cage, Skye ran to Chase to give him a hug*
Skye: Chase, I'm so happy your here, I missed you (she said almost starting to cry)
Chase: It's ok, I'm here, I missed you too, No Cmon, let's get back home (he said and they separated from the hug and began to walk to Ryder and the pups who where waiting at the entrance of the room)
Sweetie: The race is the day after tomorrow at 12:00 A.M sharp, don't be late
Chase: Oh I'll be there alright
Sweetie: Looking forward to it
Chase: Stopped walking when she said that bit then he continued to walk and with that him and the rest of the Paw Patrol walked out of the Building where Robo Dog was waiting with the Paw Patroller
Chase: Thanks for the help Liberty, I needed it
Liberty: No problem, I'll bring the other Sian there and let Rocky bring it home
Chase: No problem (he said while getting into the Lamborghini Sian he used to get here
*And Liberty brought the car to them, got in the Paw Patroller with the other pups and they all where were in there way back to the lookout

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