🔷Ch 1: Mistaken for a Cube

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Clarity Springs was not a glowing blue cube.

You'd think that would be obvious to an organization like S.H.I.E.L.D. But no.

It apparently wasn't.

Which is how Clarity Springs found herself clinging to the outside of the helicarrier, wind whipping through her chestnut brown curls, her lightning licking the air ships side as she magnetized herself to the outer wall. Her sparkly blue converse slid across the metal with a ~shrienk~, and her nail polish chipped as she adjusted her grip to prevent herself from sliding any lower.

The valor sweatshirt she wore wasn't doing her any favors by snagging on the edge of a reflector panel, but she was still thankful she was wearing it as the breeze up here was a bitch-talk about bitey.

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Her abnormally bright blue eyes gazed downwards at the tumultuous ocean looking for somewhere- anywhere to glitch to before she was spotted

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Her abnormally bright blue eyes gazed downwards at the tumultuous ocean looking for somewhere- anywhere to glitch to before she was spotted. Her right wrist was burning- the hammer tech power dampener that had been placed there sparking up a storm as it malfunctioned-the exposed wires she'd dug out of its casing digging into her skin. She did her best to ignore the pain. She didn't have the time to cry in agony or the luxury to give herself a break from it all.

One misstep could land her splat against the oceans surface like it was pavement. A single slip could have her writhing in agony among the waves because unlike an electric eel- she was not waterproof by any means. If she was captured she would be headed right back into that dark locked room.

She took an unsteady breath.

The air up this high was thin.

She rested her forehead against the sun warmed metal. She felt the ship buzzing with electricity-sensed it's inner workings-both machinery and people alike humming in harmony. She shut her eyes- wondering how it could have all gone so wrong last night.


They burst into her apartment guns raised, ready to fire, as if making a whole tray of blue frosted cupcakes for one person was some sort of war crime. And you know something? They didn't even knock first...! How rude is that? The nerve of that government organization.

And sure, Clarity glowed blue on occasion-when she was turned on, for example, and yes, she'd had a lovely time with a very limber blonde just a few hours ago, hence the cupcakes as a small celebration, but she didn't think that earned her the misfortune of being mistaken for the tessewhatever they were looking for or that it gave them the right to tear through her apartment looking for it.

But those were thoughts that she would be stewing over hours later as she broke out of the tiny room they'd locked her in.

The Clarity of last night had no idea why these people had kicked her door in and held her at gunpoint. She wanted to hide, but any sudden moves would likely be a mistake. She was a bundle of nerves as she was stared down by the barrels of many loaded guns.

The light above her flickered as she gazed at the armed men and women crowding her living room. These people looked serious, and a little too comfortable holding their fingers on the triggers for her liking.

There was a part of her that was upset about the kicked in door, and another about the wet boots soiling her carpeting, but instead of matching their energy, she hid shyly behind her tray.

"Cupcake?" She asked voice hesitant and shaking as she tried to swallow her nervousness down.

No one took one.

A woman with her hair in a tight bun walked through the gun holding agents-a tablet in her hand. For some reason Clarity was not put at ease by the gun holstered at her hip.

"Search the place. Restrain her." The woman ordered, barely looking up from her tablet.

Clarity was startled by the order, she tensed, her mind fading back suddenly recalling the scratchy voice of an ill tempered man-"Restrain her!" Her body was in her apartment, but her mind was lost in memory. She was in a dark room, machines were beeping, a storm was raging, and something was roaring but it wasn't thunder...her hands were chained, body strapped down. The roof opened...lightning crackled in the clouds...

Back in the apartment a male agent circled their hand around her wrist from behind-Clarity freaked, mind snapping back disoriented. "Don't touch me!"

Though her mind was confused her body seemed to know what to do. It all happened so fast. The light above her head exploded. Glass and sparks rained down. Lightning crackled in the whites of her eyes and down her arm. Her electricity tunneled into the guy-as if reacting to her panic. He dropped dead- then and there on the tile.

His body laid smoking.

"Freeze! Hands in the air!" The woman dropped her tablet and whipped out her gun so fast that it nearly gave Clarity whiplash just watching it happen. "Eyes on, we have an enhanced. I repeat we have an enhanced. Agent Masters is down. Everyone keep your distance."

The woman cocked her gun. "Kill the lightning and drop your hands or we will shoot. Do not give me a reason."

Clarity opened her mouth but no words would come out. Tears formed in her eyes. "I...I didn't mean..." her eyes flicked down to the body on the floor. He'd-he'd scared her. The guy had to have crept in from the window behind her. These abilities of hers-it was like they had a mind of their own sometimes. She-she wasn't all that good at controlling them yet. "...he...he grabbed..." Her words were thin.

Everything went dark.


Clarity lifted her head. Her nails dug into the metal as she stared at her reflection. She had to get out of here, she just had too.

She once again looked down at the water below. But there was nowhere to go.

"Hey there, beautiful," A woman's voice called from above. Clarity looked up to see a red haired agent sitting comfortably in a harness. She lowered herself down towards her. "just hanging around?"

Clarity gasped, her lightning crackled around her.


She'd been spotted.


Okay guys! Here's the new chapter one! Thus Claritys Marvel journey begins! Yay! Ch 2 will be out sometime next week so keep your eyes peeled! I'm so excited to get into this again!

1.  It's the opening chapter so it kinda sets the stage for the rest of the book. I'd love to know your thoughts and feelings on it. Is it a good opener do you think? Did you find anything confusing or maybe intriguing?

2. You excited for next chapter? If yes comment a blue heart!

3. Who should her love interest be? 1, 2, 3,4! I declare a shipping war! Cast your votes and convince me of your ship and it may just come true!

4. Anything else you'd like to ask, rant, and or tell me!

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