🔷 Ch 3: Come Inside

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"Stay back!" Clarity held out her right hand towards Natasha. Lightning danced in her open palm ready to leap out and shock the red head if she didn't comply to her demand. Her eyes glowed menacingly, lightning crackled around the edges of her iris.

"Whoa! Whoa hey, take it easy, don't uh don't shoot okay?" Nat held up her hands, trusting the harness to hold her as she sat in it comfortably, an oxygen mask in her left hand identical to the one she had on her own face. She held the spare out to the abnormally blue eyed woman.  "I didn't come out here to hurt you. If I did, I would have come out shooting. I just want to talk."

"Talk? You expect me to believe that?" Clarity demanded. She made no moves to take the mask.

"No, but it's the truth. I'm just going to lower myself down a little bit more so you can hear me better over this wind." Natasha eased herself down so she was almost level with the powered woman. "There see? That's not so bad. Here, Thought you might want this..." Nat held the extra mask to the woman. "The airs pretty thin up here."

"I'm not taking anything from you. That thing'll gas me or something."

"That's not what this is for. We can switch if that'll make you more comfortable."

Clarity shocked the mask out of Natasha's hand. It plummeted down into the sea.

"Ah," Nat shook out her hand. "Guess tradings off the table...maybe we could move this inside?"

"Inside?" The electric woman tensed gritting her teeth. "I'm not going back in that room. You can't make me!"

"Maybe not, but pretty soon I won't be the only one out here." Natasha denied voice remaining calm. "Listen, there are a lot of people on this carrier. Agents, maintenance workers, even a few civilians that were brought in to consult today....we don't want anyone getting hurt."

Clarity's nails scratched lightly at the reflector panels as she curled her fingers. Lightning crackled fiercely at her fingertips.

"I want to go home." Clarity's voice shook.

"That can be arranged." Natasha assured her speaking slowly. "But you're going to have to cooperate. First step is coming back inside."

Did Clarity have a choice? There was no where else to go, they were surrounded by water and a terrible fall. Neither thing really thrilled Clarity at all. She looked back at Natasha. The lack of oxygen was starting to make her queasy. Lightning crackled around her in a flurry of sparks. She leaned forwards, and glitched through the glass, all but phasing through it as her body turned into electricity.

On the top of the ship, Steve Rogers was looking down at the ships side in confusion as he showed up just a minute too late. Now, where did she go? The enhanced moved fast.

Natasha clicked a button and her harness was pulled upwards. Steve offered her a hand and helped her up to the roof. "Little late there Cap."

"New suit, new buckles. Old Costume never had this many fasteners."

"Well, Coulson wanted you to feel secure."

"Uhuh." Steve took off his helmet. "Has the situation been handled?"

"Partially. I got her to come inside. There's no need for you to get involved Rogers." They both walked back inside. "This woman's scared- you can see it in her eyes. It's best not to spook her. I'll take care of this."


Tiny chapter I know but I felt like writing a little something so yeah....this books kinda back.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22 ⏰

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