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It seemed as though everything deteriorated; in Lily's case, it was as though she jumped from the pan and into the fire. Her little chat with Fahd revealed more than Lily could have bargained for, and she did not know how to deal with it all. Her life was in danger from someone the king trusted.

"What did Fahd do?" The queen asked Lily, and for that split second, Lily did not know what to say to the queen.

"Is it true that the King is still going forward with my execution?" Lily asked her mother-in-law; she did not even have to ask any further because the look on the queen's face said it all.

The queen walked towards Lily's bed, and she sat next to her. The queen's look of empathy was a clear confirmation.

"I do not know what Fahd told you, but I promise you that I will try to talk to my step son once more; he has to change his mind." The queen tried to calm Lily down, but she was in no mood to listen to her mother-in-law.

"It's no use, mother; I know my husband, and I know that he would not change his mind." Lily's words were hurtful but true; the only thing she could do was prepare for her death.

"I brought you some things to eat," her mother-in-law informed her, and the thought of food simply made Lily sick.


Four days later,

"My king, the people are angry at you; you seem to be breaking your word," Prince Amaan told the king. King Aziz was well aware of the turmoil in his kingdom; as of one day ago, Lily was supposed to be executed, but as it stands now, she was placed in the guest room to recover.

There were some rumors of an uprising, and all this because King Aziz would not have his wife executed. King Aziz was faced with two difficult choices: one was to save his wife and declare war on his people, and the other was to have his wife executed and have his people admire him.

"Amaan, I know what I must do," King Aziz informed his stepbrother.

"My king, you do not see what I see; I fear that there might be another uprising, and all this because of a woman who not only tried to kill you but also killed her lover." Prince Amaan raised his voice at the king. King Aziz could not fault his stepbrother, as the entire kingdom was on edge.

"First things first, there is no proof that Tom was my wife's lover." King Aziz informed his brother, and the look on Amaan's face was one of shock.

He knew that he should not be defending his wife, but something deep within him told him that the dots were not adding up.

"Okay, my king, I have said my own share. But let me remind you that if you allow your wife to go, then you will forever be compared to our late father, "Prince Amaan informed the king, and this only infuriated him more.

King Aziz hated being compared to his late father, and it was worse when his stepbrother said it. King Aziz's nose flared with anger as he looked at his stepbrother.

"Let this be the last time that you compare me with my father, because if next time you try that, I will execute you too." King Aziz warned his stepbrother, and his threat sent fear through Prince Amaan. Prince Aziz looked away from his brother as fear set in.

"I am sorry, my king; I did not mean to offend you," Prince Amaan apologized.

"I want you to go out and tell the guards to inform my wife that her execution will take place tomorrow, and that is final," King Aziz informed his brother with a heavy heart. In this instance, he chose his country over his love for his wife.

Prince Amaan nodded his head in agreement and walked out of the throne room with a huge smile on his face. Finally, the king would get rid of Lily for good.

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