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Heunging Kai loved his sisters more than anything and would do anything for them. Especially Bahiyyah since was the youngest he would call himself over protective or anything but again he would do anything to protect his sister.

Like for example he's currently in enhypen's practice room chasing Jungwon around with about. Now I know you have a lot of questions but let's take it back to this morning.

Kai and Bahiyyih were currently on the phone having another morning call they usually did. " So oppa I have something to tell you and promise you won't overreact" she said in stern town. Kai scoffed " hiyah when have I ever overreacted" Bahiyyah rolled her eyes when her brother responded.

" Anyways my prom is this weekend " she began to explain " okay why would I over react about that''. '' Let me finish, " Kai nodded. " I got asked to be someone's date. Kai's eyes widened. " Oh okay , how did he ask?" he said, trying his best to stay calm and composed.

Kai could tell his sister started to blush as a smile spread bright as day on her face. "I guess asked my friends somethings that I like because he walked up to me with a teddy bear,my favorite candies and flowers with a big sign asking me to prom and I obviously said yes " Kai just nodded.

"And who asked you by"

" Oh Jungwon"


" Yeah Jungwon you lablemate"

Kai's eyes widened " As in Yang Jungwon enhypen leader Yang Jungwon".

Bahiyyih nodded. Kai let out a small chuckle as his eyes began to twitch " I'm gonna call you back ".

"Wait Kai don't " but it was too late he already hung up the phone " I'm gonna kill " began to shout.

" I'm gonna him kill "

" Im gonna yang fucking jungwon" he shouted at the top of his lungs " Kai why are you shouting so loud " Beomgyu said bargingin into his room Kai had ignured Beomgyu walking past him as he quit repeating " im gonna kill" which confused Beomgyu.

He watched as Kai walked into Yeonjun's room and stayed there for a full minute before walking out holding the bat Yeonjun used for one of their performances. Yeonjun also walked out the room just as confused as Beomgyu was " what's wrong with kai and why is saying he's gonna kill someone" Yeonjun asked.

Beomgyu shrugged his shoulder " your guess is as good as mine"

"Umm guys Kai just left holding a bat saying he was gonna kill someone should we be worried or go after him" Soobin said walking up to the two.

" Nah, I'm sure he'll be fine. I mean how much harm do expect to actual do "

P.S: So I don't no how I did it but I accidently deleted the story some how some way but Luckly I had the story saved 

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