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Jungwon was currently in the practice room preparing for the upcoming stage he had with the other 04 lines.

"Alrighty I think I deserve a mini break" he told himself, stopping the music. He paused when he heard the door opening to reveal Heuning Kai.

"Oh Kai hyung how's it going? '' he asked, giving Kai a soft smile without noticing the bat he was holding. " I don't know if you tell me, '' Kai said,

W hich confused Jungwon until he finally noticed the bat Kai was holding. Jungwon immediately ducked when Kai swung at him " are you crazy?" Jungwon yelled in disbelief.

"I don't know if you tell me, '' he yelled.

A game of cat and mouse began as Kai chased Jungwon around with a bat " stop your gonna kill " Jungwon screamed as they ran around the practice room.

"That's the point you little bastard," Kai yelled, taking a couple more swings at Jungwon. Lucky again he missed Jungwon but he did hit some of the equipment in the process.

The chase lasted for about three minutes before Jay,Sunghoon,Taehyun walked into the room " Heuning Kamal Kai what the hell are you doing" Taehyun shouted causing the chase to stop.

The second Jungwon saw Sunghoon and Jay he quickly ran over to them and hid behind them for protection. " Kai what are you doing? '' Taehyun. " what does it look like i'm teaching the brat a lesson".

Kai was about to swing the bat again causing Jungwon the loudest scream of everyone.

Jay and Sunghoon were obviously not gonna let Kai hit Jungwon so they put a larger front of protection. While Taehyun did his best to hold Kai back .

All the yelling a or Hoseok and Yoongi came into the room and began to yell at them " all of you hitman's office now" Yoongi yelled. All five the boys nodded, not wanting to protest to make ther sunbaes angier.

So now all five of them plus Yoong and Heosok were in hitman bangs office.

''So does someone explain to me why there was so much noise from the practice room? Hitman asked, looking at all five of them. "Yeah he just randomly started to attack me with a bat, " Jungwon shouted.

Kai scoffed before rolling his eyes " don't pretend like I didn't have reason you know exactly why"

Jungwon was truly dumbfounded at this point Kai could not actually be serious right now " are you hearing yourself you attacked me without any reason"

"I did you know what did"

"Please explain what I did then. '' Jungwon screamed, causing the two to bicker back and forth with each other. Until Hitman slammed his hand on the table causing them to stop." Now Heung Ksi please tell us why you decided randomly attack Jungwon"

Kai sighed crossing his arms " fine I was on the phone with my younger sister when told me. Jungwon here asked her to prom.

I was just doing my duties as an older brother to protect her, " Kai simply stated. Jungwon let a small chuckle " that's what this about are you kidding my right thats reason and fyi it's not like I forced "

"Well you mind as well have did"

This started another augment between the two " will you two shut" but before Hitman could finish his stance the door slammed opened to reveal two girls hitman never seen before but.

They both looked exactly lik Heuning Kai so they had to be his two sisters who he was talking about.

An again before he could say anything the two walked up to Kai and begin to yell in another luggage he couldn't understand. 

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