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"We don't have time for this." Christoff insisted, looking like he was about to kick Jamie in the head. Cordelia quickly got down and blocked his leg because that would be insanely stupid to do. Not only would it not wake him up it would injure him and make the problem worse.

"I know human interaction and basic psychology isn't your thing, sir, but kicking a guy who just fainted in the head isn't going to wake him up any faster." She said trying to phrase it as respectfully as possible since he was the guy in charge. Not that she knew why because of his brash decisions and limited ability to make reasonable choices under duress. At least in this area of the base. He was fine with normal military operations, genius even. He wasn't good with anything paranormal or supernatural and he certainly had no clue what to do about this multiverse issue.

"You better do something, I will remind you this was not my idea. It was hers." Christoff replied and motioned to her mother.

"And kicking him in the head for having a normal response to this will solve what part of that problem?" Beth replied. He growled and yanked his foot away from her grasp before storming towards the door.

"We have about twelve hours by our best estimates to do something to slow this down, and that's being nice. In reality it's more like ten and we'll be lucky to have six. If this guy isn't helpful, wipe his memory and dump him." He ordered and left the room. She looked up at her mother who reached into her pocket and took out an epipen.

"Do you think that's a good idea?"

"No but I also don't think we have a choice and it will definitely keep him from fainting again. At least for an hour or so, then he's going to crash."

"Then we'll have even less time."

"But we might have more information."

"Might. That's the keyword." She tried to stress as much as she could. Her mother uncapped the pen anyway but Jamie groaned a few moments later and his eyes opened. He turned and looked up at both of them. Her mother capped the pen and put it back into her pocket, though it was kind of a mystery as to why she'd brought one in there in the first place. "Let me help you, my name is Cordelia, by the way. You don't have to call me Banks or Lieutenant Banks."

"Cordelia?" He muttered as she helped to prop him back into a sitting position, "You know you are far too gorgeous to be working in a place like this."

"Thanks?" She asked.

"That's not to say that you don't have the ability just...I guess if I have to die in such a horrible way it's nice that I'll get to see a pretty face first." He said then laughed and started to bang the back of head on the wall behind him in frustration. She grabbed his face to stop him from doing that and he opened his eyes.

"Listen to me," She said, "I know this is completely insane but it really is our last hope. No one can get close enough to even stun him and guns really don't do anything but piss him off so-"

"You want me to go in there? Me? When guns don't work? What about fire? Lots of fire?" He suggested.

"That pisses him off too." Her mother replied. "Can I get you something to drink?"

"I don't...I...fuck..."

"If you're sober then remaining that way is a better idea than going in there trashed. Trust me." She insisted then took his hand to help him to his feet. He kind of swayed for a moment but caught his balance and leaned against the wall. Which was good because if he fell on her it wasn't going to be a pretty picture.

"I can't say I don't want a drink, if that's an option, or maybe another sedative."

"We'd love to sedate you but we don't have time for that either." Her mother said.

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