Hunger Pangs

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She will need to eat when she wakes up

"I'm aware of that Henry...Vecna...whatever we're calling you now." Jamie said as he lifted her body into his arms. At least she wasn't in that hideous outfit she had been in before but that also left him with the problem of finding her new clothing and carrying her back through the portal naked. She was like carrying a sack of potatoes too since she wasn't alive and he tried to remind himself that she was dead but not really dead. If he thought about it enough he'd realize he was carrying a corpse and wouldn't be able to function correctly.

You can call me Master.

"That's not going to happen any time soon I'm afraid." He laughed and started walking, even though there was no way to tell where he was going or how to get back to any of the gates. At some point he stumbled out of Vecna's main lair and into the forest, not that he recognized where they were at all. He wanted to ask for help but decided that would be pathetic since he'd just told Vecna he wasn't going to call him Master. Instead, he kept walking wondering how long it would take her to wake up from a very obviously broken neck where he could see the bones sticking out through her skin. She was going to wake up, wasn't she?

You do not need to worry this is only temporary for her. I broke much more before this and she healed well.

"Right, you can read my mind." He muttered, "I don't have a reason to trust you, though."

Will it help when she wakes up and you see that she is not dead? I can feel your guilt, the anguish you are suppressing it is...intoxicating.

"Go fuck yourself." He muttered, but Vecna was right. As much as he was trying to ignore it and somewhat okay because he believed that she would come back to life he'd still killed her. Not just for any reason but because he had gotten him off and it had been one hell of an amazing orgasm. As he continued forward, getting annoyed that he still didn't know where he was he saw the clearing of the trailer park ahead. That was the one portal that was the easiest to access because otherwise they'd end up in a lake and he didn't want or need that. He also wasn't sure exactly where on the road the second gate was and he figured it would take forever walking down it to find out. Even if he did know, he didn't want to be crawling into the real world with a corpse that everyone could see. If he dropped it into a trailer no one was going to notice.

His pace picked up when Eddie's trailer came into view and he pulled the door open to bring her inside. Getting her through the gate was another matter entirely. Even though he managed to find a ladder he also had to bring her up the ladder. She couldn't have weighed more than 120 pounds but it was all dead weight and she was, in no way, helping herself or him to be lifted. He really hoped he never had to carry a corpse again and he shouldn't have ever had to do it in the first place. The good news was she didn't smell, at all, and there wasn't any sign of rigor mortis. It was really just as if she had passed out and wasn't dead.

When he finally crossed over he moved Cordelia to the bedroom and laid her on Eddie's bed then started to look around for something to dress her in for the moment. When she did wake up it would probably be a bad idea to have her running around naked. Something she might not even care about if she was that hungry. With what she said about attacking and eating Nancy it seemed like her instincts might take over at that point and any sort of modesty she had would be completely gone. He found a Hellfire Club shirt of all things that smelled fine and would fit her even if it would be a bit large. It mostly covered her, for now. Shit. He'd probably have to go steal something. He looked at her and then headed out of the trailer hoping to see or find anything lying around that could be used to cover her up.

Thankfully, it was a trailer park and the 80s so a lot of clothes were just out and hung up to dry. He started to skulk around looking for something that might fit her. He came across a pair of sweatpants that looked to be about her size and snatched them down from the clothes line before running back towards the trailer. There were people around here and there but no one seemed to notice what he just did. As he was about to open the door he heard someone yell out behind him.

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