Chapter 2

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I am almost to my car when my phone beeps. I take it out and see a message from Brad. Brad is my boyfriend. We've been going steady now for almost 6 months. I haven't had much luck in the love department at my pack. Nobody wants anything to do with the outsider mother killer. So, I stick to dating strictly in the human realm. It has not been good to me. Humans, I've noticed take a different mate. Well, you can't call it that here, I guess, every other week. They break up over the smallest of things, and almost never stay together. Even after marriage, they still can divorce and leave for another. That is so uncommon from my world. Once a mate has been found they will never leave on purpose.

"Hey babe. When are you coming in to work?" asks Brad.

I guess I should respond back. I'm normally never late to work, he's probably worried.

"Hey! So sorry I got caught up in breakfast. I am on my way now. Are you stopping by today?"

" Yeah''

Yeah??? One word? That is so unlike him, he is normally the one to send me paragraphs as I'm the one to keep it short and sweet.

I pull up to the Reach High building, it needs work done so bad. The R is falling off and doesn't light up anymore. The owner said the donations are coming fewer and fewer now days. It makes me sad to think about all these kids with nowhere to go and nobody to help with out. I try so hard to get foster families to take some of them, but everyone is just booked up. There are no beds here for them to stay, so all of them must go to the homeless shelter to sleep. Luckily, Ashley has enough donations to provide breakfast and lunches.

As I walk in there were about 10 kids ranging from ages 6-17 all eating breakfast at our long table in the back. I spot Tori bringing out trays of orange slices for the kids. I go over to her and help her hand them out. The smaller kids are always making smileys with their slices and think it's the funniest thing on the planet. I can't help but laugh and sometimes join in. Tori has got to be one of my best friends here. She knows most about me, like me losing my mom and Grammy. I can't tell her about me being a werewolf. I don't know how she would take it and I don't want to scare one of the few people that like me off.

"Brad has been here 3 times looking for you." she states while looking at me like she is annoyed that he is even coming in here.

"'Yeah, he wrote me and asked when I was coming in today." I glanced at her as I go to put my things up in the office.

"He gives off F**k boy vibes aph. I just want you to be careful around him." She clearly doesn't like him and is not afraid to tell me all about it.

"I've been dating him 6 months Tori; I don't think he would go out of his way to hurt me."

"My Fiancé saw him at the bar the other night, he wouldn't stop yapping about how he needed to get his life right. How he needs to surround himself with 'good-willed people', whatever that means. He was also openly flirting with the bartender even after he spotted Jack."

To my surprise I don't see her lying about this, she has always just been 100% honest with me which is why I like her so much. She respects me enough to be honest but not harsh. I know Tori wants the best for me, and maybe she is right. Brad might not be it for me, but he is all I have right now. I can't believe I don't feel all the jealousy or rage, like I would see if a mate in my pack found out that their mate was openly flirting with anyone. Oh yeah, it would cause a whole war! I am, however, upset because I thought Brad and I were going well.

Brad walks in as I am coming out of the office and asks Ashley if he could speak with me. It's about lunchtime, so I have a few minutes to spare. He greets me with a hug and asks how my days is going. Great small talk, which means he is either about to break up with me or he is about to tell me something life-changing. You can never tell with this boy. I get straight to the point.

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