Chapter 6

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 I looked at my clock and realized the morning had gotten away from me. I have that meeting with Ashley about a construction opportunity that would benefit both of us greatly. I mind link Travis to meet me out front and to get the car ready. As I approached, I saw my sister standing there looking extremely irritated.

"Me,l I don't have time for this right now." I say as I try to walk passed her.

"Oh no you don't!" she places herself right in my path.

"Mel, we are going to be late. I can't afford to miss this opportunity because you are mad I am taking your mate with me. I cant afford to bring the extra guard right now, with the anniversary here and you guys being here, I just cant" I look at her waiting for her wrath.

She goes from furious to understanding in a matter of seconds. Travis is one of the best warriors we have. Taking him with me means I can leave the rest of the warriors here to protect the pack while I'm gone.

"He's my mate, and I worry about him, but I also worry about you." She looks up to me with tears in her eyes.

"I will bring him back in one piece I promise. We are only going to be gone for the day. I know this must be scary for you, Mel, but I have to take someone and Travis knows the human realm a lot better than I."

I take her in my arms and squeeze her tight. She is always so worried about the what ifs. As I finish my hug I see Travis pulling up with the car.

Mel, let's go of me and run to open the door for Travis. They haven't been mated but maybe 3 months. This is their first time being apart and him being in another realm has her all worried. We can't mind link across the border. So, we rely on cellphones to do the talking.

"Mel, I will have my phone on me at all times, I'll call you as soon as we get to the building. We are also going to swing by the new apartment building and see how they are coming along with it. It's important that I go."

He says as he pulls her into a hug. She pulls away and looks at him with so much love it makes me long for a mate I do not have. Travis locks eyes with her and pulls her in for a deep kiss. It's like when they look at each other nobody else in the world exists. When I notice the kissing is getting a little heated, I had to step in. I do feel bad because as much as Mel is feeling this separation from him, Travis is also feeling the same. When you finally find your mate, it's like your soul has found its other half, and they never want to be parted again. Long separations from one's mate can have physical and mental affects on both of them. But we are only going to be gone a couple of hours, so we really need to get going.

"Travis, Mel, I'm sorry but we do have to get going if we are to make it on time." I interrupt their make our session. If looks could kill, I would be dead from the look Mel is giving me right now. Uncomfortable in this exchange, I dip into the car. Happy to get away from her gaze. Travis laughs at me as I shut the door.

"I love you, Amelia Blu." He says with such warmth and endearment.

She turns back to him, all anger gone, "I love you too, Travis. Please come back to me soon." She leans in for one more kiss. She hugs him and whispers, "I'll be thinking of you all day, don't keep me waiting long." She sneaks up and starts kissing his neck right under his ear. A throaty roar escapes. She giggles and pushes him towards the car.

"Your sister is going to be the death of me." He exhales loudly.

"Yeah, well put that thing away or I'm going to be the death of you. It's making me uncomfortable sitting next to you in that kind of state." I said, looking out the window.

"What, you don't want to compare?" He laughs while he rearranges his pants to cover his massive erection.

We drive for about an hour before we cross the border. As soon as we do, our realm is completely out of sight. Only supernatural beings can cross the border. It's invisible to anyone else. We pull up to this a dingy looking building with the Reach High logo on the front. The sign is broken, but it still gets the point across. I pulled the car into the parking lot and shut the car off. As I got out, I see a man enter the building we are heading towards.

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