Light vs Darkness

636 35 35

Rosso Residence
Narrators POV

The Dragon Lord's aura was running amok, his anger ontop of the roof.

The moment he had returned to the cave, the absence of Rimuru triggered him off aswell as the mana signature of an unknown being. It became as clear as day that Rimuru had been kidnapped by someone...

For Uri, this meant that someone from his Family had been taken away from him. The name Tempest, something they shared with one another, as Brothers.

Veldora, in his eyes, was a sort of... Father figure, if he's honest.

He showed him how to control his spells, guided him to use his powers effectively. An ability he considered useless because all it could do was seal...

Dear Lord, you're awfully hating of yourself!

A Dragon who stood taller then all the trees around him exclaimed, looking at the dragon underneath him with slight bewilderment.


He had just told him of his powers, an ability he believed was useless for combat.

Do you realize how strong your abilities are?

He calmly asks the Dragon Lord Infront of him, who simply shakes his head in denial. He seems interested on knowing how his abilities could be of use...

*Sigh* You have the ability to seal magicules and steal them from your opponent at any moment. You can even banish them whenever you wish to, if you so desired. You can even reflect your opponents attacks... How is this, in anyways, useless?

He points out uses of his Magic, an ability that can be strong if used effectively. Sealing Magic, whilst in name seems weak, can be a detriment to any attacker unfortunate to stumble upon it.

Well, let me teach you a few ways you can use it effectively!

The dragon had seemed enthusiastic of his magic, which is why he helped him realize the full potential of his abilities.

They tried out many experiments, ranging from barriers that stopped Veldora's Storm element for a brief amount of time. Mirrors that reflected back a percentage of Veldora's Storm element, aswell as protective barriers that absorbed the damage from the True Dragon.

You're an Interesting fellow! Your magic is so cool!

How Fun! Say, it's hard to call you a Dragon Lord, how about I name you?

And, by whatever reason, he was named by that said Dragon.

Your name... Will be Uri!

To him, this man was a Father Figure that guided him in this world.

For Veldora to recognize this slime as a member of the Storm Family, meant he was a sort of younger Brother of Uri.

If someone dared to fight his Family, they will have to go through him first!

You... Seem to have a death wish

He says with a face full of held back anger, his aura making the air heavy around them. Anyone present in such a dense aura who didn't have the strength of a Seed would fall to his aura in an instant.

The Deathly Aura made it difficult to change focus from him for even a slight second.

Mariabell Rosso, successor of Granbell Rosso and the one keeping check of the Western States.

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