Part 12

349 21 2

~More Than I Can Say~

*Gun shot*

Ice:Hehehehe Do you think I only have one gun??Huh?One gun??We all are dying together!!

There is Gorilla covered Freen from behind.Freen looked at him and blood came out from his mouth

Freen:How...How did he...Gori...Gorilla!

Gorilla pulled out something and put it into freen's pant pocket

Gorilla:Take care of Brain....four-eyes a...and this pls.

Gorilla turned around and walked to Ice using all his last energy.He hugged Ice tightly,so that he can't move.

Ice can't move so much since his lost most of his blood even tho he can't feel anything,his body couldn't follow his desire.

Freen: No! Gorilla!! No!!

Gorilla:Gooo!!!!Only three minutes left

Engfa:Freen!! Come!!

Ruth climbed up again and pulled other hand of Freen till she got to other side.

Ruth:Hurry!!!Run!! Brian and P'Engfa hold Four-eyes and move quickly!! Run!!

Freen:Gorilla!!No!! He need to...

Ruth lifted her up on her shoulder and run

Ruth:Sorry Phi!

Freen:No!!!Gorilla!! He....he need to return...

Ice punched Gorilla and both of them fell down.Gorilla breathed heavily and consumed his last minutes thinking about his family.


!I'm sorry..and I love you!



Frostine:Why are you here,Bird?

Becky:I will also come

Frostine:You can't.You haven't recovered yet!Don't you trust me?

Becky:Put yourself in my shoes Eagle!!It's not like I don't trust you.I want to see my girl as soon as possible.Please!!! I promise.I won't involve at combat.

Frostine:Fine!Don't make thing more complicated or I will kick you off from the helicopter

Becky:Thank you Eagle!

~Time skips~

"Be prepared guys!We are close to the target.In next 50 miles,we will reach our destination"


"Their helicopter shook and the pilot's quick reflex control of the helicopter save them"

"What is that?""I think it's explosion""Do this island have volcanoes or something?"

Charlotte:We need to be hurry and takeoff as taking cover of this explosion's sound

Frostine and Becky can't make a sound since they were too worried after hearing the explosion



They all blew away even they are far enough from the gate.They all look at the gate and all they can see is smoke.

Freen:Gorilla!! No!!!

"They all are crying.That man,who had never talked nice to them since they met.Awalys grumpy and scolds whatever we do.That kind of person sacrificed his life for us."

Engfa,Brian and Four-eyes are holding each other's hand and crying.Freen is hugging and crying onto Ruth.They can't happy even tho they escaped.

Ruth and Freen pulled apart each other and go to Brian and Four-eyes.

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