Part 15

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~More Than I Can Say~

"Isn't it awkward just to go in? Also we don't have any invitation card"

"We already here baby.We can't turn back now"

"Umm Excuse me? Are you coming to my daughter's wedding?"

Freen and Becky stopped their controversy and turned to the voice's owner.

Freen: Sawadee Ka Aunty.I'm Freen.

Becky stayed quiet and Freen gave a gentle nudge to her girlfriend

Becky:Sawadee Ka.Becky Ka

"Don't stand there.Come inside.*she greets hospitably*Are you friends of my daughter?"

Freen:No Aunty.We are ok.We are just here to give you something.

Freen gave booklet to her and she looked back Freen with questionable eyes.

Freen:Gori..Axel told me to give his family so...

The old lady covered her mouth when she heard his husband's name.She immediately tears up and told with shaky voice.

"Where...where is he right now?"

Freen:....I'm sorry Aunty.Axel...he sacrificed his life to save us..I'm sorry to come on your daughter's wedding to tell you this.He told me that he wanted to attend her wedding so....I came up with his least fulfill his wish*sobbed*

Becky squeezed Freen's hand and stoked tenderly with her thumb.

"Mom what are you doing there?The occasion is going to start soon"

The bride popped up finding her mom.She bowed at Freenbecky when she saw them and noticed her mom is reading something.

"Dear~This is from your Dad.He didn't abandon us kid.He..he never did"

"Mom what are you talking about and who are they?"

Old lady gave her a booklet and the daughter who read the book also tears up

"Where is he right now?Is he still alive?Is he hiding like he used to do?"

Freen:...I'm sorry.He was indeed a good person and he really loved you.I bet he felt guilty till his last minute for leaving you behind.

Becky:We are sincerely sorry for your loss and on this day.

"No,no..this is actually a good news to know that he didn't abandon us.I...I thought he hated us"

She held her mom and comfort her yet her tears are rolling down.

Freen:He had never hated you.Even I met him within short time,all the loves showed in his face whenever he talked about his family.He had never forgotten you and always watched after you from far. He had you both in his mind every single time.He loved you with his whole heart.

"Thank you...thank you for letting us know he had never abandoned us.Thank you for real"

The old lady and bride hugged freenbeck to show their gratitude.


Two years later~

Life goes on as always.Everything went back where they used to be.Each individual overcomes various emotions,struggles and try best to survive in this world in different situations.

Engfa's kidnaped case disappeared for the time being and she changed her agency after the contract ended.She stared a role in movie as side character and now she is doing her best for her actress career.

Charlotte went back to the USA to start her own business and Engfa signed a contract with foreign entertainment so,now she has more accesses to interact with her inter fans and her girlfriend.

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