Episode 15 - Last laugh

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Training for the sports festival was off to a great start for the students, each of them working on improving themselves to be ready for whatever events that the festival had in store for them. Ben however was going with a different approach, by utilizing the different traits of his heroes to use them for various situations. It was hard to do considering the amount of power each of his forms has for just their singular purpose.

Ben also took the liberty of helping Mina and Kirishima with training too, helping Mina's physical combat and quirk control along with increasing Kirishima's density with a few sparing matches with Diamondhead. A week had passed as the Rust Bucket was driving down the street as Ben and Mina were sitting down talking about the festival.

Mina: Okay, okay! How about our intimidation tactics?

Ben: Haha, "Intimidation tactics?" What would we need that for?

Mina: Oh c'mon. After your little speech after class, they'll be coming for us. We have to show them we mean business, by expressing our determination with intimidation! I'll show you!

Ben sighs with a smirk as he gestures for her to go ahead. Mina nods as she takes a deep breath in before making her best scary face.

 Mina nods as she takes a deep breath in before making her best scary face

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Ben: Yeah, well, that wasn't scary at all.

Mina: Aw!!

Ben chuckles as Mina puts her palm under her chin as she looks out the window with a pout. As the RV rides through town reading a sign going by.

 As the RV rides through town reading a sign going by

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Mina:"Zombozo's Travelling Circus of Laughs"? Cool!

Max: Ah, I haven't been to a circus since I was a boy. Sounds like fun! What do you guys think?

Mina: I love the circus!

Mina was excitedly grinning as Ben was silent in his seat, Max noticed this in the rear view mirror.

Max: Ben...

Ben: Look if you guys want to go to some circus, knock yourselves out.

Ben rests his palm on his cheek as he looks out the window with a worried look in his eyes. They walk to a big top circus, set up in the middle of what looks to be a park. Lots of people are walking in with them.

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