Chapter 2/stalker

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I was abruptly shaken awake by Emelina and the bright rays of sunshine entering my room. "Kehlani wake up your late" I jumped out of bed and turned on my phone
"FUCK" I shouted,rummaging through piles of clothes until I found my apron and a pair of jeans. I rapidly put my clothes on and brushed my teeth and hair in under a minute. There were dark circles under my eyes from the lack of sleep and caffeine. Before I rushed out the door Emelina handed me my keys and a to go cup filled with coffee. I thanked her and ran out the door. I stumbled into the diner out of breath and probably homeless looking. Dominic was standing at the counter,immediately giving me " the look", but was unable to say anything because he was currently helping a customer. I went to the back and chugged my coffee before mentally preparing myself for the yelling about being late. I walked back up to the front to see a very attractive man sitting my himself by the front window. He was absentmindedly playing with the menu in front of him. I took it upon myself to walk over and take his order.
"Hello, my name is Kehlani and I'll be your waitress today. Can I get you something to drink?" He looked up lazily and took his time skimming his eyes up and down my body before finally resting them on my face. I could feel my face heating up and decided to hide it by a warm smile.
"Hello gorgeous" he said in a deeply sexy voice. I smiled wider and stood there waiting for him to tell me what he wants,still trying to keep things professional.
"I'll take a black coffee" he stated in the same tone.
"Ok,is there anything else I can get you?"
He looked me up and down once more and flashed a quick seductive smile
"I don't think what I want is technically on the menu" my face heated up again but this time there was no hiding it. I turned around and walked back behind the counter to start making his coffee and I felt eyes boring into my back. I turned around and was met with the familiar face of the dude,only this time he was standing at the counter watching me. The unexpected movement made me drop the coffee onto the floor .my boss rushed out to see what happened and angrily pulled me up by my arm and shoved me in the back. I stood in disbelief and eventually just accepted it because I needed this job. I heard talking from the front and rolled my eyes at Dominic's constant apologies and promises to get on me and teach me better. I heard no replies from the man,just the noise of the coffee beans being scooped up. I sat in the back until he came to get me and I stood up when he finally came back.
"What happened Kehlani"
"I don't know sir he just startled me and I dropped everything I'm so sorry it won-"
He put his finger up as if to silence me. He walked closer to me and lightly trailed his fingers up and down my left arm.
"I think there's other ways we can sort this out" he began,but I quickly pulled my arm from him and tried to walk out. Today he wasn't taking no for an answer so he quickly caught up with me and grabbed me by the hair and pulled me back. I screamed and tried to hit him,but it honestly wouldn't make a difference if I did. The man from earlier walked into the back,and was met by the sight of Dominic trying to keep me quiet.
" What .Are . You . Doing." The man asked in an low threatening tone. Dominic quickly released me and I pushed past the man and out of the diner. Tears effortlessly rolled down my cheeks as I ran home and remembered what was almost done not even 2 minutes ago. I made it to my house and collapsed on the couch,sobbing violently into the pillows.

Well after the sun rose this morning did I smell her beautifully familiar scent. I smiled as I saw her figure running down the same sidewalk as last night. I let her go into the local diner first before following in after her moments later. I chose a spot next to the window so I could look out into the already busy New York street. She approached me shortly after requesting for my order. Last night I had plan to kill her and nothing more,but her standing in front of me with those warm brown eyes might make me change my mind and have a little fun first. Her face was a light shade of pink and I smiled inside knowing how easy it's gonna be to make her blush.
"Hello gorgeous" I said simply. Her cheeks flushed red and she tried hiding it with a smile . She didn't say anything so I decided to just order something and spend the rest of the day waiting for her to leave. She walked back after taking my order and do was definitely staring. Her figure made it hard not to with the way her ass curved up into her hips and her breast stuck out just perfectly. I got up and made my way over to the counter watching her closely,taking in every tiny detail about her. She turned around and dropped the coffee and gasped at the realization of what just happened. The man came from the back and immediately picked her up and roughly shoved her in the back. His action made my brows furrow and he began apologizing consistently. I ignored him and wondered if she was ok,but it wasn't my place to wonder about her. He made me my coffee and gave me a smile before returning to the back with Kehlani. I could hear their conversation and her heart race faster when it got quieter. I ran to the back after I heard a pained scream. I saw the man standing behind her pulling her hair and smiling because she couldn't get free.
"What. Are . You. Doing"
I asked quietly. He let her go and she rushed past me and out of the diner. I walked toward him and never broke eye contact. He seemed nervous and held his hands up while backing away." Please sir this is employees only so-" what where you trying to do to her" I interrupted. His hesitation to answer made it all more clear what his intentions were. I walked toward him and made his back press against the wall. He looked up at me fearfully and I smiled. Soaking every ounce of fear in before snapping his neck.

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