Chapter 1/New york new york

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The diner bell rang for the last time that night as I stepped out into the frigid December air. I quickly locked the door,hugging myself and hurrying down the sidewalk. I kept a constant speed trying to get home as soon as I could. Walking alone at night never ended well for women,especially not in the famous "New York city" . My hair being up in a bun was making it almost impossible for my hood to stay up, forcing me to look down trying to reduce the amount of cold air blowing directly in my face. It was a very quiet night,but there was something about this quietness that had made me very uneasy. I listened carefully and was met with nothing but my own staggered breath. I tried not to think about what could be in the dark alleys or if someone was behind me , so I started thinking about getting home instead. I could imagine my apartment and the promised warm water that came with it. I rounded the corner to my street and practically ran up the stairs to the apartments .Walking into the door made me sigh in relief for the warm air embracing me. I shoved my things down and kicked my shoes off, too tired to care where it went at the moment. I hummed in satisfaction as I sat on the couch and pulled the warm blankets over myself. My best friend Emelina walked into the living room with a bag of chips and in the same clothes as yesterday. I rolled my eyes at her appearance ," I'm so glad your well at home Eme,please don't bother paying for anything" I said. She could sense the sarcasm in my voice and flipped me off before walking into the kitchen to put the chips away. She walked over to me and sat on me instead of the couch." What crawled up your ass today" she said while wiggling herself on me,making herself more comfortable. " oh nothing, Dominic asked if I could stay later the rest of the week because Claudia quite yesterday" Emelina rolled her eyes and rolled on her side." I think Dominic just wants more opportunities to try and get in your pants, I mean, come on your the only one he's extra sweet to and always tries to touch" she was right. I've been working for Dominic since high school and he's always tried to touch my hands or stand behind me. He claims it wasn't like that but I was the only one he ever tried to get that close with,even after being told by me that I wasn't interested and I was just trying to do my job. " well" I said , " sucks for him because I have no interest in middle aged men that still live off of their parents." She laughed and dramatically rolled off me and rolled onto the floor. I rolled my eyes yet again and stepped over her to go take a shower . She got up and quickly trailed behind me and sat in the bathroom on the toilet as I took my shower. We didn't talk during it,but we also didn't have to. We understand each other in a way no one else did. So it only made since to move in together only days after we graduated high school. Emelina and me were very much the same people,just living different lives. We both grew up in bad parts of town and we both hated people. We bonded over simple things and just enjoyed being in each others company. She was like the sister I never had and I could tell she felt the same way. We both went to bed after my shower. It didn't take me long to fall in a deep sleep,and that night I dreamt of absolutely nothing.
My body sat still on the top of an abandoned warehouse. I lay on my back staring up at the stars,enjoying the cold air blowing occasionally across my face. I sat in my thoughts for a moment until I smelt something so intoxicating I almost lost control as soon as I smelled it. The familiar burning sensation returned and I almost hissed out of pain and longing to get rid of the burning,by any means necessary.I quickly sat up and frantically searched for where the scent was coming from. My eyes landed on a small frame hurrying down the sidewalk and I quietly jumped down from the warehouse roof. I could hear her heartbeat and frantic breathing as she practically ran down the sidewalk,obviously in a rush to get to wherever she was going. Her scent made my mouth water and I looked around for anyone that could possibly see if I decided to take her life tonight. I smiled to myself after the realization that none was around except her. I followed further back behind her but realized she was turning onto a well lit street." Damnit" I thought. I wasn't going to kill her and risk people hearing or seeing me through their windows.I mentally noted which apartment she went into and smiled,knowing we would see each other again.

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