Your making my life a hell

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"Aurelie!","AURELIE","AURELIE WAKE UP" I heard trough my sleep. I rubbed in my eyes and sat up. I slowly blinked and saw Tom infront of me. I wasn't in a bed i was covered in an blanket on the concrete. "Tom whats this" i asked sleepy, "your so cute" Tom said while he squeezed in my cheeks. I smiled but my smile faded when i looked around in the huge building of concrete. "We're stuck here" Tom said calmly. "How do you stay so calm, what the fuck happend!" I said with a worried voice."Im so sorry Aus but i had to keep you safe. Tristan's gang was going to kill you" Tom said looking in my blue green eyes. I tilted my head "who tf is Tristan!", "Tom whats going on!". "Tristan is the one who shot me he wanted to shoot you because i killed his pet too" Tom said innocent. "You killed someone" I said while i had to keep my eyes dry from my wet emotions. "Yes i did" Tom said smirking at me. "Tom whatever your plan is don't do it" I said scared. "depends." He said dry. I sat up and crawled backwards with my big eyes still stuck in he's. He crawled also my way still smirking he took my waist and stopped me. I looked behind me to avoid his handsome face that could kill my every second. He took my chin with his thumb and forced me to face him. I closed my eyes not to see what was gonna happen. I heard a knife and short after that i heard a loud shot. I opened my eyes out of shock and saw Tom looking behind at the door opening of the building.

"Shit." he mumbled he pushed me behind some boxes and stood up and walked to the other tall man that just came in the building. I breathed intense but held my hand for my mouth, almost in my mouth so they couldn't hear me. I was so scared that i would die, but these thoughts cut me of by another shot. I couldn't see who shot or who got shot of if even anybody got shot but i trusted in Tom and if i had to die i had to maybe because something more bad could happend and was the way i was gonna die nothing against what could happen after that. A small tear ran down my cheek and i heard a scream it was from a man i just don't know if it was Tom i didn't hear him scream before. It was quiet for a few seconds until i saw Tom, he moved past the boxes and ran towards me still covered in the blanket. I got out of the blankets as fast as i could and jumped into Toms arms with my tiny legs fastened to his hips. I cried myself out on his shoulder. He strokes my back with his thumb i felt safe again. Even though i know Tristan or whatever that man is called he definitely has other gang members and it was not over yet. And that Tom could also kill me but that was not a problem i was already ready for that to happen. I shook these terrible thoughts off and focused at Tom who felt like loving me even tough i know he didn't. "Fuck it" he yelled and pulled my head of his shoulder and without even looking he pushed his lips on mine, i stopped it to take a breathe i think i thought i didn't like it but i really enjoyed it. His strong tongue danced in my mouth as we made out behind some old boxes. My nails clawed in his back wich he didn't seem to notice, he was so softly he never was that soft with me before. He stopped and pulled my by my upper arm. He ran to his car like he was angry.

"WHY THE FUCK DID YOU KISS ME NASTY DUCK" he yelled at me. "YOUR NOT FREAKING GONNA TELL ME I KISSED YOU ASSHOLE YOU KISSED ME" i snapped back. "FUCK YOU" he called back. "I FUCKING HATE YOU" i yelled as much my lungs could, gosh i wasn't that friendly to them today i had to admit. Before he hit the brakes he took my head and slapped my head red and bloody, my nose was dripping but i wasn't gonna cry it was more anger that hit me. I took his hand and cut my nails in them while looking in his eyes. I swung my legs in his manhood as hard as i could hurt him and i wanted to hurt him so badly he would scream and yell for me i wanted it, right now. He flinched and i opened the door of the car successful and crossed the street as fast i could to find something or somewhere i could hide till he lost me. I looked back and he just came out of his car holding his pants up a bit ready to run after me. I started to sprint and asked everybody to help me but they seemed to already know my situation and didn't dare to help me i saw in their faces that they really wanted to but couldn't. I screamed. "COME HERE DUMB HOE" i heard Tom yelling above the crowd . I pushed everyone out of my way so i could keep running at my tempo. Out of nowhere everything got black for 2 seconds and when i opened my eyes and i could see again Tom was on top of me waiting for me to see his face and then slapped me everywhere on my face, with his other hand he was choking me. Everyone was now in a circle around us from a distance, some where filming some where holding their hands in front of their mouths.

It went on like this for almost five minutes until i could get him up a little bit and he moved to my knees while i was getting my strength filling and my battery was now 99% i was now ready to win from this disgusting man. I bombed his manhood again with my knee fast but powerful as he screamed my battery was now 110% more then usual. I switched rules and now was I on top of HIM. "We'll i think you just lost a game of a girl didn't you? huh?" i smirked. He tried to move away but i pinned his hands on the ground and licked his neck. "Now it's my time to pet you, puppy" i giggled. The crowd went crazy and Tom went red and the steam ran out of his ears. You must think he was so strong at this moment but he wasn't. I started throwing my hands in his face. I was finally controlling him, he could do nothing at this moment i started to get good at this. It felt good to hurt him. He moaned in pain and he closed his eyes. "Aurelie" escaped out of his mouth with a breath and a moan just like a package. "Tom" i smiled i stopped slapping him, his head was in a really bad state of bad. "Please don't do this" Tom moaned. "Gosh i wish you listened to me when i said that Tom, depends" that was my real answer i felt good better then ever. suddenly i was pulled up by slender arms, they were not Bills but i recognized the smell. I looked behind and saw Gustav holding me by my stomach so i couldn't hurt Tom and him either. I struggled getting out of his arms but because he seemed scared of me i got out and started to run but not a few meters apart i got tackled by Tom who was still lying on the ground, he got a strong grip on my feet but he quickly released it as i was dragged across the ground by Bill, Georg just watched everything happen. My energy level was still high and i felt like i had done nothing in a month. I started pushing his arm off me and he looked disturbed at me i wasn't ashamed at all. I mean the people may see who i am and what i can do. I jumped up and gave Bill a hard kick. He fell on the ground and i ran hoping Georg wouldn't move. But ofcourse Tom had to.

He stumbled a few times and struggled with running but he was still fast because of his strong and long legs. I looked back every five seconds to see wich distance he had but fast enough he got me and pinned my body against a wall and pushed his body against mine with both my hands above my head. I looked at my hands but Tom wasn't okay with that so he forced me to look at him. "Bad girl" he said while the blood came out of his mouth. I knew he didn't had the energy to talk but he did. Just i like i always do. "Uh uh i think it's time to go sleep my cute puppy" i joked. "No time to joke around now Aus. "You almost killed me now it's my turn. "Tom. Let me just remind you that I've been 'almost' killed so many times this month. Your making my life a hell do you know that?" i said calm like it didn't bother me wich it surely did. Tom looked down not in shame but he was smirking like he was happy to hear it, he played with my belly piercing that was now be seen because my shirt was cropped because of my arms being up so high. "Your so pretty" Tom said proud. "I know that already and i also know that you aren't at least not from the inside but i also made you ugly on the outside 2 minutes ago" I smirked teasing. He looked annoyed and relieved my arms and dragged me by my upper arm to the car and threw me into the back seat wich had child lock. Now i was stuck, but i had done what i always wanted to do so i was satisfied.

|Hi baes i really like writing but i really need some more people to read my story so don't mind to make promotions on social media i appreciate it my tiktok is uvkaulitz if you wanna know / I put a lot of thoughts and energy in this story so i hope y'all like it for the people who actually read it.|

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