Chapter 11: Mother?

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Happy Eid-ul-Adha!!

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A beautiful women with long blond hair and deep blue eyes wearing a long luxurious white open coat and a blue shirt underneath was racing along the footpath. (lol I literally described her in one sentence. I'm bad at explaining clothes BTW)

She had a worried expression on her face as she raced down the block searching for her destination. She halted at a crossroad and saw a house just across the road. She rushed forward and entered the premises. Should I just barge in? A thought ran through her as he rang the doorbell. Every second taken to open the door was pushing her patience. At last the door opened showing an elderly man.

Her expression were speaking all the unsaid lines as the elderly man reckoned her in.

"Where's he?" She asked.

"Upstairs." Tok Aba said.

She rushed upstairs completely ignoring the presence of two teenage boys lurking awkwardly in corner.

She opened the door of the room where her beloved son was in, God knows in what condition.

She stared at the silhouette on the bed worriedly. She stepped forward and stood by the bed. She placed her hand on his forehead.

"It's burning." She mumbled.

By this time Tok Aba had also entered the room.


"What happened?" She cut him off. She only knew the outline of the incident. It was her son's fear again. His trauma. She clenched her fist. She vowed that it won't happen again. That he won't remember anything of that cursed day. But......

"Just tell me who!...?" She gritted her teeth. A blue aura seeping out of her body.

Tok Aba sighed. He was getting too old for this.

"It was just an accident.. A prank. They meant no harm." Tok Aba justified. He knew that Fang and Gopal were probably listening from outside the door. He sighed. They should have left when they had the chance.

"You two!! INSIDE!!!" Maya shouted. A yell was heared from the outside. After a pause, the door opened showing two boys pushing each other to enter first.

"You, you nuisances, you dare do this to my son. It was my fault for letting him befriending some random humans who don't even deserve him. Can you take responsibility for this!?!!? Legally, I can get you locked in prison for your whole life because of your action today!" Maya snarled.

She was truly terrifying. The aura radiating from her has increased and was sending chills down the spines of Fang and Gopal. Gopal gulped and Fang shivered as he finally recognized the woman in front of him. He had a whim when he saw her downstairs but now he was damn sure about her identity. He had no time to think how and why, just about how to get out of here. If what he thinks is true, then they are deeply messed up.

"Let it go, Maya. They are children." Tok Aba stepped and said.

"But... " Maya protested.

"Aaron's treatment is more of a concern, don't you think?" Tok Aba said as he motioned to Gopal and Fang from the back of his hand to leave instantly. Fang didn't thought for a split second as he pulled Gopal outside and frantically ran outside.


"What the hell, Fang!!" Gopal shouted. "What are you panicking about?" Gopal said as he watched Fang walking in circles, mumbling for the last 10 minutes.

"Shut up. No matter how I look at it, it just doesn't make any sense! I mean, it's literally impossible!" Fang said.

"Impossible? You mean BoBoiBoy's mother having some kind of powers or the thing she said about locking us in prisons for our whole lives?" Gopal said. He was so confused and seeing Fang was confusing him even more. A lot happened in a short time and it was a lot to take in and understand, and he hate thinking.

"Not that! I am thinking that she can't be General Maya!!!" Fang blurted out.


I basically wrote this story to give BoBoiBoy's mom some screen time. The stories are always of Amato being the mysterious cool superhero parent. I wanted her mother to be a badass hero too.

Don't worry AmatoBoi fans! He will be in this story too. It's just BoBoiBoy's race and trauma story include his mother too, I showed her first.

Besides, I wanted to give Fang a heart attack.


This doesn't change the fact that I still consider this book a disaster.

Every like on this chapter will prevent Fang to get a heart attack.

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