Chapter 6: After the Forest

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As the group ventured through the vast expanse of the northern plains, Nier walked alongside Thor, his curiosity piqued by the fact that he and Loki are brothers.

"Thor," he said, "I can't help but wonder how you and Loki are brothers? You both seem so different from each other."

Thor, still carrying Bruce on his shoulder, glanced at Nier with sadness in his eyes. It was clear that the subject carried emotional weight for the Asgardian prince. He took a deep breath before responding."The tale of Loki is one that is filled with complexity, Nier. Loki, in truth, is not of Asgardian lineage. He was adopted by my father, Odin, after being abandoned as a child. You see, he is a frost giant, hailing from Jotunheim."

"Jotunheim?" Nier asked.

Thor briefly explained that Jotunheim is one of the nine realms connected by the tree of Yggdrasil. He further explained the differences between the realms. Specifically Asgard, Jotunhiem, and Earth. He then went into detail about the frost giants and the war that occurred over a thousand years ago in his universe.

Nier listened closely. "So, Loki being a frost giant made his life difficult in Asgard?"

Thor nodded with sorrow. "Indeed, my friend. Loki's heritage cast him into the abyss of inner turmoil, forever seeking solace and validation. His actions, borne out of a desire to find his place, often led to conflict and unrest."

Nier nodded, trying to understand. "But you and Loki are still family, right?"

Thor responded, "Yes, we are. And it pains me greatly to see him acting this way. I only hope that someday he can find peace and come back to us."

As the light in the sky began to fade upon the northern plains, the group continued their journey, the swaying grass accompanying their steps. However, Nier noticed the encroaching darkness and voiced his concern.

"It's getting dark. We should make camp here for the night," he suggested.

The Avengers agreed, aware of the dangers lurking in the shadows. They swiftly set up camp, lighting a fire for warmth and protection. Thor gently laid Bruce on the ground and covered him with his cape, which he used as a blanket.

"You seriously expect me to sleep on the ground? I could just fly to the village right now." Tony scoffed. 

"Stark, we cannot abandon our allies, If there is danger, we should stay behind and ensure their safety regardless of our flight capabilities," Thor said. 

Tony grumbled but eventually conceded to Thor's words. He removed his armor in preparation for sleep, prompting Weiss to express his surprise, tinged with sarcasm. "Well, well, well, what do we have here? I was beginning to wonder if you were part machine, but it seems you're just a normal human beneath all that armor."

"I've taken off my armor before, you know," Tony retorted.

"Not in my presence, it would seem," Weiss remarked.

"Stark likes to retreat into his shell when confronted with unfamiliar situations," Natasha interjected.

"Some of us aren't as confident that two pistols are enough, Romanoff," Tony retorted.

"Speaking of which, I've run out of ammo. I'll need to find a new weapon when we return," Natasha added.

Nier chimed in, "There's a weapons shop in the shopping district. I can take you there if you want."

"That'd be great. Maybe they'll have bows. I could finally train you, Nat," Clint suggested.

"We'll have to see what they have," Nier replied.

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