Chapter 7: Breakfast Bites and Urgent Summons

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Nier woke up to the delightful smell of breakfast wafting through the air. He rubbed his bleary eyes and sat up in bed, "Uh oh," he whispered to himself.

He got out of bed and followed his nose to the kitchen. There, he found Yonah standing on a stool, stirring a pot on the stove. She had an apron tied around her waist and a determined look on her face.

"Yonah, what are you doing?" Nier asked, worry creeping into his voice.

"I'm making breakfast, silly," Yonah said, a smile spreading across her face.

"Uh... What's cooking?" he asked tentatively, trying to sound optimistic.

"I'm making pancakes!" Yonah exclaimed, gesturing to the pan with a spatula. "And bacon and eggs too!"

Nier tried to hide his concern. He knew Yonah's cooking skills were lacking, to put it mildly. But he didn't want to hurt her feelings, especially since she seemed so proud of herself.

Just then, the rest of the group entered the kitchen, drawn in by the enticing smell of breakfast. They wore regular clothes that looked very similar to the villagers outfits. They all looked surprised to see Yonah at the stove.

"Morning, everyone!" Yonah said cheerily.

"Good morning, Yonah," Natasha replied with a smile. "This smells great. Did you make all this yourself?"

Yonah beamed. "I did! I wanted to do something nice for everyone since Thor and Weissy were upset yesterday."

As they all sat down to eat, Nier watched nervously as each of the Avengers took a bite of the pancakes. He held his breath, waiting for someone to spit it out or make a face. But to his surprise, everyone seemed to be enjoying it.

"These are really good, Yonah!" Tony said between bites.

"Yeah, I agree," Bruce chimed in. "I'm impressed."

Nier couldn't believe it. Yonah was notorious for her bad cooking. He decided to chance it and take a bite... and it was terrible.

Nier was confused at first, but then Nier's heart swelled with gratitude towards the Avengers when he realized they were pretending to like the food. He knew that Yonah had worked hard on it, and he didn't want her to feel bad if they didn't like it.

"Thank you," Nier said to the Avengers, unable to hide his relief. "I'm glad you like it."

Thor chimed in, "Aye, it's quite delicious, Yonah."

Yonah beamed with pride at the praise. Nier breathed a sigh of relief, grateful that the Avengers were kind enough to spare Yonah's feelings.

Yonah took a moment to check outside at the spot where the Hulk usually sat outside and asked, "Hey, where's the Hulk?"

Nier shot a panicked look at Bruce Banner, who just shrugged and said, "Oh, he's taking a nap."

Yonah's face fell. "But I made him a giant plate of food! He's gonna be so mad!"

Tony snickered. "Maybe you should look near the table."

Steve shot him a warning look, then turned to Yonah. "Don't worry, Yonah. I'm sure the Hulk will be back soon enough. And in the meantime, we can all enjoy your delicious cooking!"

Nier breathed a sigh of relief as everyone dug into the food, secretly happy that Bruce had managed to avoid revealing his alter ego to Yonah.


After breakfast, Tony and Bruce began a private conversation near the small pond adjacent to Nier's house as the others got ready to head to Popola's library.

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