Chapter 8: The Junk Heap Tyrant

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Nier led the Avengers and Kaine further into the northern plains, navigating through the terrain. Kaine walked with a purposeful stride as she scanned the surroundings with a sharp gaze.

But as they ventured deeper into the fields, a pack of aggressive shades emerged. The Avengers swiftly moved into action, engaging the shades in combat. Tony shot several repulsor blasts, while Captain America smacked one with his shield. Thor summoned lightning, electrifying the surrounding area and striking down multiple shades at once.

Nier fought next to them. He swung his blade with skill, protecting Hawkeye as he shot his arrows at distant ones.

Kaine, a little separated from the rest of the group, moved with a ferocious grace, her sword slicing through the air and killing every shade in her way. Her white hair flowed behind her like a silver stream as she dispatched shade after shade.

In the end, as the last shade fell, the clearing was once again engulfed in silence, broken only by the heavy breaths of the victorious warriors.

Kaine wiped a trickle of blood from her forehead, her expression stoic but satisfied. She turned to face the Avengers, a begrudging respect gleaming in her eyes. "You fight well," she admitted, her tone acknowledging their skills.

Hawkeye smiled. "Looks like you can hold your own too."

"Yes, well the hussy certainly enjoys a good bloodbath," Weiss said with amusement.

Kaine aimed her sword at the book. "Cram it, Book."


The group continued venturing through the terrain of the northern plains. The Avengers and their newfound companion, Kaine, formed a determined stride.

"So, Kaine, how long have you been fighting these shades?" Hawkeye asked, striking up a conversation.

Kaine glanced at him, "Long enough," she replied curtly. There was a sense of guardedness in her tone, hinting at a troubled past.

Iron Man chimed in. "Yeah, you're pretty skilled. Not in the clothing department though; what's the story behind that?"

Kaine's gaze shifted to Tony, her eyes narrowing. "I don't owe you any explanations. My past is my own fucking business."

Captain America frowned at the young woman's vulgar language.

Thor interjected. "Friends, let us remember that we are united in our purpose. We are here to rid this land of the shades and protect those in need. Our focus should be on the task at hand."

Cap nodded. "Thor's right. We can't afford to be infighting. We need to stay alert."

Nier, ever grateful for the Avengers' presence, spoke up. "You know, before you guys showed up things weren't looking good for us. I'm glad you're all here."


The group arrived at the Junkheap, the stench of rust and metal permeating the air. The terrain had an odd orange hue, likely from the amount of rust. There were tracks along the ground, as well as pipes and several broken mechanisms scattered about. The Avengers fanned out, surveying the area for any signs of danger or civilians, while Nier, Kaine, and Grimoire Weiss followed close behind.

But suddenly, a group of machines appeared out of seemingly nowhere. They advanced towards the group, their movements were fast and coordinated. The Avengers sprang into action, attacking the machines with all their might. Kaine and Nier followed suit, their swords slicing through the metallic limbs. Grimoire Weiss hovered above the others, casting spells that brought the machines down.

As they battled the machines, Nier realized that the reports were right; The machines were more aggressive and coordinated as if they were working towards a common goal. He wondered what could be causing this sudden change in behavior.

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