Chapter 2

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I woke up this morning to hear the sound of Satine banging on my door “Yes!?” “You have a flight in 3 hours so I suggest you wake up soon” I swing open the door “Good morning to you too yn, how did you sleep? I slept great thank you Satine for asking” I say mockingly “you’re real funny” “I know I am” “But your humour will have to wait because dad made pancakes” my face light up “I’m coming!” we chased each other down the stairs to see who would get the first pancake “yn gets the first pancake” “yess!!”.

“Call me the second you land” “of course I will mam” after lots of tears shed and some hugs, Arthur and I finally get onto the plane, I of course watched breakfast at tiffany and parent trap, it was an emotional flight with lots of Taylor and Lana but I didn’t have a meltdown, instead I saw it as an opportunity to be free and do whatever the hell I want as I didn’t have my parents around to watch over me. Once we landed, we got our bags and then drove to Arthur’s parent’s house. Arthur unlocked the door and we walked down the hall to the living to see everyone jump out and shout “Surprise!!!” Arthur’s mother walked over to me and gave the big warm fuzzy hug “Welcome to Monaco ma cheri” “Thank you Pascale”.

I walk around and have a chat to everyone when I suddenly realise that Charlotte Sine “Carla?” “Yeah yn?” “Where is Charlotte?” “You haven’t” “heard of what” I look at Arthur and then back at Carla “Charles and Charlotte broke up about a month ago” “What the hell? You didn’t think to tell me Arthur” “Well it never came up in conversation” I look at Arthur with shock in my face “you consider to be named my best friend when you don’t give me paddock gossip” “shame on you mon amour” “really Carla? You’re siding with yn on this?” “Yes, I am because yn and I hate making drama but love hearing about it” “have you learnt nothing within the six years of our friendship tutu” “fine, I’ll tell you all the gossip form here on out” Carla and I take a seat and look at Arthur with eyes wide open and wine in hand “so?....” “You want it right now?” “Yes!” we say in harmony. Arthur gives us all the drama that Mick and Charles had given him and before I know it it’s nearly quarter to eleven so Charles and Arthur drove me to my apartment.

Arthur and I chat while Charles drives but making smart comments every once in a while suddenly I remember that I forgot to call my parents “would you be ok if I called my parents” “yeah ofc” “Thanks Charles” “no need to ask yn” “thanks tutu” “no problem” I call my parents “Hey mom, hey Dad”. Once we arrived at my new apartment I hung up and asked the boys “would you like to come in” “why not” Charles responds quickly. Charles, Arthur and I walk up to my apartment, I try to unlock my apartment but the door won’t unlock “What floor are we on?” “the second one” “oh shit” “wrong floor” Charles says with a smirk “maybe?” “You were suspossed to be the smart one” “thanks tutu” “Why do you call him that yn?” Charles asks as we take the elevator u p to the next level “don’t you dare answer that yn!” “sorry Leclerc but that’s a story that won’t my lips at least until his wedding” Charles smirks at me and whispers “or when you’re drunk and I convence you to tell me” I feel Charles warm breathe against my neck “you ready yn?” Arthur asks me which snaps me out of my daydream about his hot brother “Yeah” we get to the door and this time the door actully opens this time thankfully. The boys enter “I have 7up, coke or orange juice, choice is all yours boys” “I’ll have an orange juice” “Sure thing Charles” I had Charles a glass of juice while Arthur got his own drink and we all sat down and started to chat

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