2 |he's not my boyfriend|

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The blaring sound of my alarm made me jolt awake. I quickly turn it off and rub my eyes.

I sit there for a second, I woke up so quickly my head is still a bit fuzzy. I'm just trying to comprehend what day it is and if Im actually alive.

I finally get up and lazily walk to the bathroom and look in the mirror. I look a wreck. My hair is messy, drool on the side of my mouth and somehow my shirt is all twisted.

I start my usual morning routine, brushing my teeth and washing my face and body and doing something with my hair.

I walk back to my room and change in to some random clothes I pull out of my closet.  I actually look decent but I'm still groggy and tired.

I walk out my room and I hear snoring in the guest room. I completely forgot about him. Then I realized that he has nothing, like a toothbrush, change of clothes or anything.

I groan as I grab my keys and call my mom. She answers after the first few rings.

"Hello?" She says.

"Hey, mom.. can I ask for a huge favor?" I ask nervously.

"Well, honey that all depends on the favor." She sighs.

"I need, like, at least 500 dollars-"

"What on gods green earth are you buying for 500 dollars!?" She screeches through the phone.

"Mom, it's just, I kinda have a guest, who has absolutely nothing..." I finally say.

"Who, is it a boy? Where did he come from? How old is he!?" She asks fanatically.

She sure can read me like a book. I swear she's a witch or something the way she know everything going on in my life dispite being across town.

"Y/N!" She yells growing impatient with me.

I kiss my teeth. "I plead the fifth." I say.

"Y/N.." she sighs. "So it is a boy. Look, I'll talk to your dad about it, I'll call you back later." She says before hanging up.

"No wait mom- ugh.." I groan.

I quickly grab a piece of paper and write my number on it, just in case he needs something and I quickly head out the door.

I walk into the store and begin grabbing random things to be honest. I grabbed a toothbrush, some body wash, deodorant and a bunch of hygiene products for him.

I'll need to take him clothes shopping or something. I walk to the counter and plop all the things by the register.

"Well good morning, I'm sure all of this stuff isn't for you Y/N." Mr.Willis smiles at me as he begins ringing me up.

"O-oh about that.. a friend is staying over, and they needed some stuff." I manage to say.

"Oh you have a boyfriend? Congratulations Y/N!" He cheers.

"W-what! No, he's not, I mean their not." I stumble over my words as I feel my face heat up. "Im not seeing anyone.." I finally find my words.

He looks at me with an unamused expression as he bags my things. "Whatever you say Y/N. And it's 20.95" He says.

I payed for the things and waved him good bye. I walked out the door and took a deep breath. Out of all things he could think my BOYFRIEND? Never even had one before, it's not that I think it's a waste of time, or all men or bad or anything. Just never really had time for it or even let it cross my mind. I've had crushes before, never acted on them and since I do college online I don't really meet new people.

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