Chapter 11

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Molech's dark laughter echoed around them as he announced, "Now it's my turn." With a wave of his hand, the world around Christopher and his friends dissolved and reformed into a strange new landscape. They found themselves standing in a brightly colored and pixelated world, reminiscent of the video games they had played back on Earth.

"Welcome to my turn-based RPG," Molech said with a wicked grin.

"RPG?" Lily asked, her voice wavering slightly.

"Role-playing game," Coleton explained, his eyes scanning their new surroundings. "It's okay, guys. We've got this."

"Right, time to pick our hero classes!" Spencer chimed in, his excitement clear on his face.

Coleton looked at each of them thoughtfully before making suggestions. "Lily, you should be a mage; Joe, a ninja; Spencer, a summoner; Christopher, a paladin; and I'll be a time mage."

"Really? A ninja?" Joe asked hesitantly, fidgeting with the hem of his shirt.

"Trust me, Joe," Coleton replied with a reassuring smile. "Your agility and quick thinking will make you an excellent ninja."

Christopher took a deep breath, steadying himself for the challenges ahead. He felt a mixture of excitement and fear bubbling inside him, but the thought of protecting his friends and family gave him strength. *I can do this,* he told himself.

"Alright, let's get started!" Lily said, determination shining in her eyes.

As they all picked their hero classes, Christopher couldn't help but marvel at the way his friends adapted to their new roles. Lily seemed to grow more confident with every passing moment, while Joe slowly embraced his inner ninja. Spencer happily chatted with someone who wasn't there, and Coleton's calm demeanor helped to keep everyone grounded.

"Remember, we're a team," Christopher reminded them, his hand gripping the hilt of his paladin's sword. "We'll get through this together."

"Right!" they all agreed, their eyes meeting in a moment of shared resolve.

"Game on," Coleton murmured, and with that, they prepared themselves for the battle ahead, ready to face whatever challenges Molech had in store for them.

No sooner had they finished picking and sorting out their classes than the battlefield materialized before them. Christopher and his friends stood in a line, their names floating above their heads alongside a bar representing their health points (HP) and one for their magic points (MP). Across the field, Molech towered over them in an enormous, terrifying demon form. His eyes blazed with malice, and as he raised his arms, the ground beneath them trembled.

"Okay, everyone," Coleton said calmly, his voice cutting through the tension. "Remember your roles and stay focused. We can do this."

"Right," Christopher muttered to himself, clutching his sword tightly. He felt the weight of responsibility on his shoulders, but he couldn't let fear paralyze him. *I have to protect my friends and family,* he thought, focusing on Molech.

"Christopher, select magic from the menu and pick the Paladin Shield spell," Coleton instructed, pointing to the menu that appeared before each of them. Christopher did as he was told, watching as his friends started selecting their first moves.

Spencer chose a spell so quickly that Christopher could barely see what he was even selecting. Then Coleton, with his usual calm demeanor, did the same. As the protective bubble of the Paladin Shield appeared around Christopher, he glanced at Lily, who was still scrolling through her options.

"Come on, Lily," he urged, his heart pounding in his chest. "You've got this."

"Okay, okay," she mumbled, her brows furrowed in concentration. "I think I've got it now."

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