Embarrassing Moments

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Izuku sat in his bed thinking about earlier that day. What started out as a normal day, turned into him spending the day with his favorite hero, Hawks


Izuku walked slowly to Endeavor's office, ever since he got there, every worker had warned him about how Endeavor how been in a bad mood all morning due to all the extra work being pushed onto him for being the number one hero. He knocked on the door, then waited for an answer," Come in" Izuku shuffled in, bowing before saying Good morning.

"This week, you will be patrolling with Hawk" Endeavor pointed over toward the hero standing next to him. "Looks like we'll be hanging out for the whole week, broccoli!" Hawks said giving him his signature smile. Izuku slightly blushed before repeating," Broccoli?" Without saying a word Hawks just pointed to his hair. "Well, come on!" Hawks waved as he walked out of the door. Izuku bowed once more before following his favorite hero. "So, how bout we get to know each other a little bit more, I know a super good cafe nearby" Izuku nodded his head and followed.

A young lady, stood in front of the two, stopping them from entering the restaurant.


Izuku mumbled a shy hi.

"Hey! Could we get a table for two please?" The lady couldn't help but blush when Hawks spoke.

The lady nodded her head before answering," Lucky for you, one just opened up! Please, follow me." The lady guided the two guests through the restaurant, stopping to point out their table. "Let me properly introduce myself. My name is Akko and Today I will be your waiter" Akko waited till they both sat down to hand them a menu. "I'll be over here again to take your orders" She gave a bright smile before rushing out.

The two sat in silence, both looking over the menu until Hawks broke it.

"So tell me something about you" His eyes stayed on the green-haired boy.

The boy himself could keep his off the table. He was alone with the Hawks. The number two hero, aka his biggest crush. Like they were on a date...Izuku's face turned a bright red. From thinking about his last sentence...wait. Hawks question. What was he supposed to say?

"...what do you want to know?"

Hawk could only laugh. The green bean looked so cute, but he probably didn't even know it. His hair looked as fluffy as a bunny. His mind didn't realize it reached for until he felt soft curls wrap around his hand. He also wasn't ready for the soft moan that slipped out of the boy's lips. He muffled a groan when a tent formed into his pants. The sound itself was enough to make him hard. The rough material wasn't helping. It only made things worse

The loud cough forced his hands back to his side. Though Hawks' eyes couldn't look away from him.

Izuku nervously looked away, eyes turned towards Akko to be exact. He desperately tried to forget what had just happened, he wouldn't let himself pass out.

The young lady didn't exactly know what to say, having witnessed the kinda intimate moment, feeling as if she has interrupted something important. "Um. I'm here to take your orders..." Akko tapped the pen on her notepad, ready to take notes."... Let's start with a drinks" She tried her best not to be studder yet it still got through.

Izuku was the first to speak," I'll have a lemonade"

Having gotten the urge somewhat taken care of, Hawks spoke," I'll have a coca cola"

After writing it down the she smiled," That'll be right out!" Akko, who had now forgotten what happened bounced away.

"So are you going to answer my question?" A smirk eased its way on Hawk's face.

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