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*Clay's POV*
I was scrolling mindlessly on my phone as I ate my breakfast.

The house was quiet.

It always is.

No one else lived here besides me and I guess Patches as well.

Speaking of Patches, I hear her meow next to me. She hops on the kitchen island I was sitting at. I gently pet her head as she sat down next to me.

I continued to scroll through my social media before I came across a couples post.

I stop and stare at it for a moment.

Curiously, I swiped through the sequence of images. They were just photos from the dates they had, looking as happy as ever.

My family would alway ask me when I would get a partner. They would also say stuff like "It wouldn't hurt to chat up a couple of people"

But in the end I would tell them I just never found the right fit.

Suddenly Patches meows and rubs her head against my face, tearing my eyes off the screen. I chuckle to her actions.

She always knew when something's up.

I shut off my phone and stand up, making my way over to the sink. Once I was finished washing my dish I hear Patches meow behind me.

I turn to look at her by the front door. She began clawing at it, meowing slightly louder. "You want to go outside?", I softly asked her.

I opened the door and watched her walk through. She sniffs the area around her, putting her nose up to the sky. I was about to close the door when suddenly Patches takes off.

"Patches!?", I called out but she was already gone. I quickly stumbled back inside to grab my keys and ran after her.

I stop for a moment to catch my breath. Then that's when I see Patches jump on a mailbox. I began to run over to her but she took off and when she saw me. "Patches come back!", I exclaimed.

Since when could she run so fast?

I then see her turn to an alleyway. I quickly followed her. She sprinted through the connecting alleyways. I take a right because that's where I saw her go.

But it ends up being a dead end and Patches was no where to be found.

Oh no.

*George's POV*
Why does everyone always mess the shelves?

I was rearranging some items on the shelves when I heard someone walk in. And out of habit I said welcome to them.

What I didn't expect though is to hear the sound of a bell jingling along with a meow. I turn around, confused.

"Patches?", I say aloud. "What are you doing here?", I ask as I crouched down to her level. She rubs her head against my hand, purring.

But then she started to walk back towards the door, pushing it open. I followed close behind. She stops and turns her head to look at me. Almost like making sure I was following her.

"Patches I'm gonna have to take you home. I'm sure Clay's worried about you", I explained.

I reach down to pick her up but she takes off before I could.

"Hey! Patches where are you going!?", I shout as I took off my apron, holding it in my hand. I didn't want people to see me running in a green apron across town.

She sure was fast.

I tried my best to catch up but it was no use. I would never catch up to her. But I knew that I had to return her back to Clay before something happens to her. And that was the only thing keeping me motivated.

Time to time Patches would stop and sniff the air for some reason but she would start running again when I got close.

I watched as I saw her run into a local park.

I wouldn't be surprised if the town's people thought I was crazy, running after a cat across town.

*Clay's POV*
I found myself looking around in a local park.

She has to be here somewhere!

I looked in every bush this place had but with no luck. I even checked the trees but again nothing.

I started to get more worried because nightfall was nearing. I walk myself over to a tree, sitting down against it. I put my face into my hands.

What if I never find her?

I perk my head up when I heard a familiar jingling sound. I stood up in a instant. "Patches?", I yelled. And fair enough there she was, coming out of a near by bush.

I quickly picked her up. "Why did you run off like that", I ask as I held her tightly in my arms. I kiss the space in between her ears. She purrs while leaning into the touch.

Suddenly a familiar brunette comes around the corner.

"George?", I asked.

"Clay! I'm glad she found you"

"What do you mean?"

"She came into my store for some reason. I tried to pick her up so I could take her back home but she bolted before I could"

"I was gonna let her roam around my front yard but she also took off"

"Might want to put a leash on her next time", he says as he leaned against the tree.

We stood there in a comfortable silence as George was catching his breath.

"I should get going..my dad's gonna wonder where the hell I went", he says with a light chuckle. "Good bye then", I replied with a smile. "Bye", he turns around and began to walk away.

But Patches meowed loudly while pawing at my chest.

"What is it girl?", I asked softly.

She turns her head to look at the brunette then back at me, meowing once more. I look at her confused, looking back up at the brunette myself. Patches meows again, bringing my attention back to her.

I slightly widened my eyes when I realized what she was trying to tell me.

Don't be ridiculous Clay.

There's no way in hell she's suggesting you to do tha-


Fuck it.

I began to jog over to the brunette.

"George!", I shout once I caught up to him. "Yeah?", he says as he stopped in his tracks to look at me.

I really should have thought this through.

I suppressed my nerves before speaking to him. "Are you free anytime soon? Because I-I would like to talk to you sometime", I explained.

"I-I should be free tomorrow, it is the weekend"

"S-sweet! How does 3pm sound?"

"It sounds perfect to me"

"Here, I'll give you my phone number so I can send you my address", I tell him as I moved Patches to my shoulder, taking my phone out of my pocket.


We both gave each other's phones and exchange numbers.

"I'll send you a text when I get home", I said as George handed me back my phone.

He nods in response.

"See you tomorrow", he says softly. "See ya", I replied as I walked away.

*George's / Clay's POV*
Did that really just happen?
1193 words

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