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I woke up a little bit later than I usually do because Milo had woken me up in the middle of the night because he was hungry.

He really is a child.

I tiredly walked into my kitchen as I made myself some breakfast. George had texted me earlier that he would be here soon.

Once I was done eating I went into the bathroom and tried to fix up my appearance, washing the sleep off of my face.

The water felt cool and relaxing as it touched my freckled skin.

When I was done getting ready I take Milo out of his box.

He hopped around slowly once I placed him on the floor in the living room. I laid down on my side so I was more to his level. His little noise twitched as he looked around.

Suddenly there was a knock at my door. I quickly shot up. But quickly apologized to the kit for startling him.

I get met with a familiar brunette when I opened the door. "George!", I say softly as excitement filled my voice. "Hi Clay", he replies.

I lead him inside where I was before. "Milo!", George says, crouching down to pick him up. He brings the bunny up to his face and began to nuzzle their noses together. I could feel myself smile as I watched.

"When did you fed him last?", he asks as he held Milo close to his chest.

"Not that long ago"

"We should take him somewhere", he suddenly suggests.

"Got any ideas?"

"Let's take him to the park! There's lots of space for him to roam around in"

"Alright, you mind if Patches tags along?"

"No I don't mind, as long as she doesn't run away again", he joked. "Let's hope not", I chuckle.

"Patches!", I called out.

I hear the sound of her bell jiggling as she walked out of my room. "Come on let's go outside", I tell her as I reached my arm down to her. She happily meows before jumping on my arm, climbing her way up my shoulder.

When I turned back around I see George wrapping little Milo in his blanket.

Once we were outside, walking towards the stables. I noticed that the brunette's horse wasn't there. "You didn't bring Gypsy?", I asked, looking at him as we walked. "Thought I could use the walk", he simply says.

I hum as I opened the gate to Stratus's pen which causes him to neigh happily.

Patches quickly jumps on Stratus, laying down on his lower back.

George hands me Milo once I got on.

I held out a hand to him once he put his foot on the stirrup. Preventing him the struggle to get up. He gives me a soft "Thanks" as he got on.

I return Milo back to him then grabbed Stratus's lead. "Y-you might want to hold on. Stratus gets random bursts of energy sometimes", I say, looking over my shoulder.

I see the brunette hesitate but he eventually wraps his arm around my waist. I bit back a smile as we trotted out of the pen.

It was slightly cloudy outside but the air was still fresh.

Once we arrived at the park I take us over to shadow patch that was caused by the trees. Stratus began to graze on the grass.

I helped the brunette down. Patches stayed curled up on Stratus.

Me and George take a seat next to the tree. He gently puts the blanket down, releasing Milo. He hops out of the blanket and started to sniff the grass. George lets out a sigh as he rested his head against the tree, looking up at it.

My eyes drifted to him once he shut his eyes.

Almost admiring him.

Suddenly the brunette lets out a chuckle. "I can feel you staring Clay", he says, reopening his eyes as he titled his head to me. "Sorry", I replied sheepishly as I looked away.

"You're just...nice to look at", I admit quietly.

*George's POV*
I feel myself freeze.

"I-I'm nice to look at?", I say.

The blond then turns his head to face me again.

"I think you're stunning"

This can't be real.

"Especially when the sun hits your face just right. It illuminates all of your features", he continued.

I didn't know what to say or do. I was so taken aback by the fact he was casually admitting this to me.

Fondness danced in the blond's jade gaze.


We both turned to see Patches carrying Milo by the scruff.

She gently places him down then gave him a quick lick before looking up at us with her ears slightly turned back. Seeming annoyed, but she walks away.

Milo must have wondered off.

I pick Milo up and put him on my lap.

I began to anxiously play with his fur.

The silence was getting uncomfortable.

After a few moments of sitting in a painful silence he finally speaks up. "I'm sorry, I just made this awkward. My mouth tends to move faster than my brain", he says gently.

"It's okay..I just..didn't know how to respond. No one has ever said anything like that to me before"

"Well I'm glad to be the first", but then he suddenly facepalms himself.

"See there I go again", he says which makes me laugh. "I could get used to your impulsiveness if it gives me compliments", I teased.

"Trust me, you'll get annoyed by it sooner or later"

"No I won't. Say something about me again"


"It's not gonna be impulsive if you're thinking about it"

"I don't know what to say!"

"You can literally say anything"

"You um have a nice smile!"

"Why is it nice?", I know I'm practically fishing for compliments but I couldn't help myself.

"I'm not really sure, it just makes me want to smile back at you when you do it"

"What else?"

"I like your kind personality!"

God knows how long we went on for.

We almost turned it into some sort of game but we both enjoyed it.

It's nice to hear about how Clay sees me. He'd noticed small things about myself that I didn't even know about despite the fact we haven't known each other that long.

Some people might think it's kinda creepy that he picked out these sort of things but I honestly find it adorable.

It makes me feel important like I'm someone who is worth to be memorized.
1085 words

Sorry for the late upload!

I was really busy the past week and had a slight writer's block but now I should be updating more frequently.

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