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Yeji walked around nervous. She's never let anyone in her group out of her sight that long. And she was uneasy.

"Um, Yeji?" Seungmin, the most innocent but deadly member walked over to her clearly sensing her nervousness.

"Yes. What is it?" Yeji asked.

"Sorry for having to put more burden on your shoulders but Yeonjun is on the loose. What should we do?"

"He is? Damn. Only one guy could've dealt with him. Wooyoung and Hyunjin would've come close to beating him. " Yeji said.

"You're forgetting Olivia." Seungmin blurted out bluntly. That was his other skill. Would never sugar coat anything. Just say things as they are. Honestly.

"Oh, God. I took Felix in exchange for Olivia's freedom. I can't turn back on my word now. But I do need to take care of this... Yeonjun problem. And to do that...."

Yeji was cut short, by the opening of the steel gates. Hyunjin walked in with a lot of bruises and probably a bullet shot on his arm.

"Hyunjin!! Are you okay?!" Yeji asked with concern laced in her voice.

"I'm fine. But you won't be." Hyunjin said.

Yeji looks at him with confusion. Then Felix walked in with some tiny scars on his face. And along with him came the bane of Yeji's existence and her biggest regret, Wooyoung and San.

"You! You're alive?!" Yeji shouted. Obviously gaining the attention of many. Changbin looked at Wooyoung in disbelief. Everyone thought he was dead along with San.

"Wooyoung..." Yeji legs gave out. She fell on her knees after seeing an alive Wooyoung. Wooyoung let go of San's hand and walked over to her. He knelt beside her and gave her a hug. No words were said between them in any way. Yeji just felt comforted with the hug, and he helped her stand up.

"I thought you were dead." Yeji softly said.

"Yeah. I know." Wooyoung said. But immediately hit him where he was and who he was talking to. Then he stepped back looking at Yeji.

"What's... what's wrong?" Yeji asked him.

"It's good to see that you're OK in every way. Well, more ways than one, but don't forget that I still have more than one reason to kill you Yeji." Wooyoung said with a lace of darkness in his voice.

"What do you mean? You're OK!!" Yeji sounded so sad and desperate.

"You think I'm fine huh? You tried to kill him. You tried to kill San!! You tried to kill the love of my life right in front of my eyes!!!"

"Wooyoung...." San tried to calm him down.

"NO!! I'M IN PAIN! I'M ANGRY! I'M HURT BECAUSE OF HER!!" Wooyoung said shouting, gaining the attention of everyone.

San could sense it. The anger, the pain that he had. And Wooyoung wasn't gonna let her pass on that.

"It didn't matter that he worked for your sister! He was mine!!! He is mine and always will be mine!! You said that you would never do anything to hurt me but you lied!! You lied to me! You almost killed him intentionally!!! How would you feel if I tried to kill Ryujin right infront of your eyes?! I know you love her like a sister, and that you would not want anything to happen to her. So why did you try killing my San and not your damn sister?!!! Tell me!!! On that day she was standing right here with San. But you shot my love!! My San!!!" Wooyoung broke down and was barely standing on his feet.

San came closer to him, holding his shaking body, and wiping his tears. Changbin came closer to Wooyoung and rubbed his hand and looked at Yeji. She seemed so broken and speechless. She didn't expect things to go that way.

"Woo, I..." Yeji tried to form the world's in her mouth but she was cut short.

"I don't think it's a good idea to start talking to him. Let him cool down. He's just got a lot of pent up frustration, especially with you. Don't talk to him for now." San said, almost sounding like a threat to Yeji.

"Come on Woo." San held him while Changbin directed them to Wooyoung's old room.

Yeji walked out of the room, avoiding all the glaring eyes at her. Chan decided to follow her, while the rest of the team just walked out. Felix just watched all that unfold and remained speechless. Hyunjin just looked at Felix and dragged him away.


"What do you mean they're alive?!?" Ryujin said infuriated by the news that Yeonjun gave her, choking Yeonjun against the wall almost to near death.

"Ye ...yes....." Yeonjun said gasping for air. Ryujin let him go and started pacing angrily across the room. Yeonjun was on the ground gasping for air.

"That day...two years ago...we heard a gunshot outside Yeji's grounds. Where did it come from?" Ryujin asked for an explanation.

"I never fired the gun. It was Wooyoung. He fired the gun at me and shot my arm. Here." He pointed at the scar on his arm.
"He shot me and left with San. " Yeonjun said with a straight face. He's the only one who knew the truth about the two's death. That it never happened.

Ryujin just laughs. "For two years I thought they were dead. For two fucking years I thought they were dead!! They're alive. And they're just gonna cause me trouble. Damn it!! You had one job. One."

"You could kill your sister to make sure your troubles end. Or is that just too much for you?" Yeonjun asked her, obviously wanting to pick a fight with her.

"No. It's not that easy. With both Felix and Olivia in her hands, she has more protection, more so from the eldest more than I do." Ryujin said concerned.

"Older one? Which older one?" Yeonjun asked.

Ryujin just looked at him. "That doesn't concern you. Find a way to bring me back San and Felix. Maybe I'll get to tell you."

With that she walked away. Not uttering another word to Yeonjun.


"That was... something..." Felix said. This made Hyunjin tense up a little. He's not used to this kind of outburst. But seeing it from Wooyoung, it showed that he really was hurt. And he did love San. A lot.

"Oh my God!! It's 6 o'clock!" Mom is probably awake by now!!" Felix yelled bringing Hyunjin back to reality.

"Yeah, so?"

"We're supposed to be in the house in my room! Asleep until she wakes us up!" Felix yelled out.

"Oh, right. Shall we...." "No time for formalities, come on!!!" Felix rushed out of the house with Hyunjin behind him.


She woke up from the room and walked over to the drawer. A picture book was there. She picked it up and opened it. There lied a picture of her, and her two sisters Yeji and Ryujin. "One day, one day, we'll be together. If not...one of you will have to go." She said as she closed the picture book.


Oh my!!; Another sister!!
Let's see how she'll affect the rest of the story.


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