Blood, Sweat, and Tears

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Arm flings

with such grace, Shimmering

and shining.

Blood, Sweat and Tears

cover the ground

as they dance.


Songs trot on and on

as they prance, Sweat

And tired. Ego and Persona

"Who the

Hell am I?"

"Whatever it's my way."

Blood, sweat and Tears

Enhance the

sound of music.


Cold stares

Standing still in

the moment, with

Dark eyes and darker

plump lips.

This my last


Blood, Sweat and Tears

Mirrors of



Heart throbbing


for the cameras.

Sad smiles and

lonely eyes.

"This is the Spell

that will

punish me."

Blood, Sweat and Tears

kinds hearts with

wrong motivation.


Moving muscle


of the heart.

"but your


are bitter."

Blood, sweat and tears.

This is their

last dance.

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