Chapter 1 (Part 1)

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Temima was someone everyone wanted to be, she was given everything as a child even if she didn't want it.
Everything was done for her when she wanted to do things for herself. In school all the girls despised her. Every boy liked her, she was pretty, sweet, and caring. Although she was all this she hated the attention and hated having things done for her.

Atticus grew up not in the best way, he had always done things for himself, always making sure he had eaten or his house was cleaned.
His parents weren't the best, one was a drug addict and the other was an abuser. Atticus had started to learned to fight because of his abusive father so in school when he'd see kids picking on others he'd pick a fight with them, winning obviously, but because of it he was earned the nickname 'Abusive Atticus' he hated it but he just let it be.

Fast forward to high school, Temima had a boyfriend and friends she trusted. Atticus on the other hand had no one. He'd spend most of his days alone, everyone would whisper about him if he'd walk by and he gave up on trying to help those getting picked on because they even feared him.

One day Temima was walking down the hall to bring something back to a teacher where she noticed legs poking out from behind a wall, walking past it she saw that it was none other than Atticus.
She had heard about him from a friend so she steered clear from him. She saw that he had fallen asleep she rolled her eyes. Thinking to herself, 'must be nice huh.'
Temima was jealous of how carefree and strong he was though she was also scared of him, from what her friends have told her he's not a very nice person. He hurt others beneath him and picked on those that weren't as strong.
She hated people who prayed on others, she walked away to the teacher she needed to see. What she didn't know was that while she was walking away Atticus had opened a eye to see who had disturbed his sleep, he didn't think he'd see the school beauty. Despite looking at how nice she looked from behind, he despised her, she got what she wanted without having to even lift her pretty little fingers.
Though even if he despised her he still thought of her as cute. Later in the day Temima was walking with her group of friends and her boyfriend when they all saw Atticus. He was minding his own business until her friends and boyfriend started whispering and making jokes about him.
Temima didn't join in and tried to ignore their rudeness to him. Atticus on the other hand had no problem ignoring them, "Aww is Abusive Atticus gonna go and cry to mommy and daddy!? Oh wait he can't cause they don't care about him! If they weren't going to pay attention to you they shouldn't have had you, you freak!" Temima couldn't believe Ethan had said something like that to him. "Ethan that's a little harsh don't you think?" she asked grabbing onto his arm.
Ethan just looked at her and sneered, then pulled his arm away from her harshly and walked off. Atticus didn't think to stop while they were talking about him and went on into the loud city where he knew he'd be able to get away from everything.
He walked quite a long way to find the bridge he'd usually sleep under. It was a busy freeway bridge, so there was noise always but he didn't care it was loud enough to not think about everything in his life that was wrong. He sat down and closed his eyes and soon took a nap, he didn't know how long he was there because when he had been woken up it was already late in the night. He didn't even realize something or someone had fallen over him until he heard a small voice cry out. "I'm so sorry sir. " he looked to see what had tripped on him only to see a girl.
She got up and turned to apologize once again to him but when she did she stopped and made a small squeak noise. He looked up to see the school beauty, she looked scared and he could tell she was shaking in fear, but the one thing he noticed was her puffy red eyes like she had been crying. He got up which made Temima jump in fear, as he stood up she could see how tall he really was, and that he actually looked good. 'No Temima you have a boyfriend and this is Atticus! Abusive Atticus!' She watched as he slowly started to bend down to meet her face she thought he was going to do something to her so she closed her eyes afraid of what might happen if she ran, but to her surprise nothing happened but she felt what seemed like a hand wiping away her tears. "You okay?" her eyes opened quickly to his voice, it was deep and low like he didn't want to scare her and wanted to see if she was truly okay. "Y-yes..." she mustered out as best she could.
He swiped his thumb across her puffy eyes, and looked intensely into her eyes. His chocolate brown eyes stared into her emerald Green ones, it felt like an eternity, until he straightened his stance and walked away. Temima's heart raced and she felt her face heating up. She turned around and ran, running away from Atticus.

The next day at school Temima had seen her friends bunched together laughing and squealing, as she walked up to see what they were all excited about she stopped as soon as she got close, Ethan was kissing her best friend Chelsea. "C-chel.." she couldn't even finish her sentence as she started tearing up. Ethan just looked at her and so did Chelsea, "Oh Temima you finally got here."
His voice sounded annoyed a tear dropped from her eye. Chelsea spoke in a sickening way she's never heard before, "Aww sorry Mimi," she used her nickname. "I just couldn't help but see Ethan all alone in the hall please don't cry. I can't help it that I'm good looking and that he wanted me and not you. Why don't you go tell your mommy and daddy!? Maybe they can do something about it since obviously you can't!" She laughed and so did the others they started poking fun at her and she couldn't stop the tears from falling.

She went to turn but something was blocking her path she looked up to see a very irked Atticus. "Oh my what's this? Abusive Atticus, awww Mimi did the freak come to save you!? Guess mommy and daddy couldn't" they all laughed again until Atticus smashed his first into the locker next to Chelsea and Ethan.
Temima looked at Atticus her face wet with tears leaking from her eyes, she knew that he wasn't such a bad person since he saved her from these people who only used her for her name and popularity, but she also felt anger and jealously because Atticus came to save her.
Again someone did something for her when she didn't ask. She looked at the two people she trusted to only see that Atticus' Knuckles were bleeding. "A-Atticus..." is all Temima could muster out. Atticus saw what seemed to be a worried or pained look. He took his fist from the broken locker door, he smiled smugly at the two seeing their alarmed faces. Temima walked off with Atticus following, there was a silence between the two walking in the school halls, school hadn't even started yet and this is how their days were started.
After she knew they were out of people's eyes and ear shot Temima asked , "Why did you help me..?" there was silence she thought he was ignoring her until, " You're the school beauty and you looked like you needed the help." She stopped in her tracks and turned to look at this giant. "I didn't ask for help did I? No I didn't." he looked at her with a cold gaze that sent shivers down her spine. "You may have not asked but your stance said otherwise. Your so called 'friends' weren't being good friends." She turned back around and continued to the nurses office with Atticus right behind.

They soon got to the nurse's office but she was no where in sight so Temima took it upon herself to get him cleaned up. "Go sit down. Please." Atticus did as she said and took a seat, he watched as Temima grabbed some cotton swabs and peroxide to clean his knuckles and some white gauze to cover his wound.
While Temima was cleaning his knuckles, Atticus watched her, it was starting to make her feel uncomfortable because it felt like he was burning wholes into her skin with how intently he was watching her. "Umm may I ask you a question?" he made a hum sound as a way to say yes. "Why did you come to help me really and why did you punch the locker?" she looked up and made eye contact with him she couldn't help but feel her face heat up from how handsome he looked up this close. "That was two questions." Temima's brows furrowed in frustration. "Sorry. Just don't answer then." She looked back down to wrap his knuckles but he pulled away. She looked back up to see his face was closer. "I did it because you looked helpless and needed someone to save you. You are after all the school beauty who needed a prince Charming."

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