Chapter 1 (Part 2)

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     Temima could feel her face becoming hotter and hotter with her close proximity with Atticus. She couldn't believe what he had just said. "W-well I didn't need saving, nor did I need saving by you."
       She looked back down to see if she wrapped his hand correctly if it wasn't to tight or uncomfortable. "There. I'm done." Temima got up and left the office, Atticus just sat there looking at his hand he smiled a small smile as he watched Temima leave. He thought to himself, 'well this'll be interesting'
         The next day Temima didn't go to school she couldn't face Ethan or Chelsea. All day she just stayed in her room not wanting to even step foot outside because she knew if she did her parents would just make the maids do things for her. Her parents were the wealthiest in the city she lived in so everyone knew them they had everyone do everything for them, she hated it.
Whenever her parents left to go overseas or go on business trips she'd have all the maids and butlers go home so they could be with their families. She decided to leave cause she didn't want to stay at home any longer. She was bored and lonely, she left her room and was down the stairs when she heard her parents laughing and talking in the living room.
When she got down the stairs she saw Ethan her parents were talking with him and what seemed like a good time. It was weird to see. "And what do i own the pleasure of seeing you here Ethan?" Temima barked out. "Aww baby what do you mean?" He said as he smiled smugly at her.
Their parents want them to be together because they both come from wealthy families, but her parents are more wealthy so his parents sucked up to hers. She did like him but after yesterday she didn't anymore, she saw his true colors. "Babe your parents were just telling me about their next trip they are going on." his sly smile made her shudder. "We can have a little party while they are away. You know with all our friends and Chelsea." the way he said Chelsea's name, made Temima's blood boil.
Temima couldn't handle Ethan and his ways anymore, she couldn't even look at him the same. For some reason she was thinking of Atticus instead, she was thinking about his dark chocolate brown eyes and how handsome he looked up close and his deep breathy voice. Temima smacked herself in her mind she couldn't be thinking of Atticus she didn't like him and she was just cheated on so why would she be thinking of another guy.
        "I'm leaving." she told her parents and before they could say anything she left. A few hours later Temima was walking around a park that not a lot of people knew about. It was quiet so she could hear her thoughts and it was hidden so nobody would be there. As she's walking around she hears breathing as though someone was tired she looks around to see if someone was running but she couldn't see anyone so she walked forward and soon saw shoeless feet that looked bruised and cut she ran towards them only to find a small child that was beaten and bruised.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2023 ⏰

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