Chapter 1

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Today Simon was at the The House of Lamentation because Lucifer wanted to talk to him

And right as he went into the library with Lucifer he asked.

Simon : so what was it that you wanted to talk to me about?"

Lucifer : you know how the chichiawa has been coming around more often hanging out with MC and my brothers?"

Simon : yes. Is that a problem?"

Lucifer : no but it seems like it is for you. Especially when around Mammon. You seem anxious nervous and worried Everytime you come over. Is there a reason why?"


Simon : oh?....oh umm it's nothing really. Just worried he might copy some bad behavior or might hear something he's to young to hear"

Lucifer : ...yes I suppose that is something to worry about. "

Simon : Luke told me about the Time you all took to the human world to go to Disneyland and how Mammon basically used him to get on every ride and free stuff. "

Lucifer : ....i remember that. I made Mammon pay for everything because of that"

Simon : on the bright side Luke had a great time"

Lucifer : I sense something else your not saying but I won't pressure you any-

Simon then looked around then said

Simon : actually there's something I've been meaning to discuss with you about Luke and Mammon"

Lucifer : go on?"

Simon : Luke is getting older and he's been spending a lot of time here eventually he's going to find out and I have to tell him sooner or later. This secret hasn't been easy to bare and I can trust you won't say a word"

Lucifer : ....your right you have my word. So what is this secret?"

Simon :..... Luke is Mammon's son "

Lucifer : ......come again?"

Simon : I am not joking. He is"

Lucifer : can you explain more? Because this makes no sense?"

Simon : a little after the war Luke just sorta showed up and it was clear he was Mammon's son. Not sure how Luke came to be. but after I found out I decided to take care of him and never reveal to him who his father was or let Mammon know he had a son.

because I fear is wasn't a great time to do so. I feared what father Michael or everyone would do if they found out.

but anyway with how close their getting how much time he's spending here.....I think it might be time but I Don't know honestly what the right choice is now....."

Lucifer : ......I think it's best
To not reveal it....we don't need the wrong people finding out."

Simeon : I feel so guilty..... keeping this from them....."

Lucifer : you had no bad intentions"

Simeon : I'm assuming Luke came into being like how Satan did"

Lucifer : what would Luke be representing from him then?"

Simeon : Mammon hasn't been the most best angel but.

His heart was pure and shined brighter than all the others. His heart was always in the right place.

I think Luke represents his Angelic pure heart"

Lucifer : ...... that's s-

Simeon : you know it's true it's why you took him"

Lucifer : Michael would of destroyed a perfectly good angel. I'll agree Mammon didn't deserve that and needed to know someone believed in him"

Simeon : Luke is very much like him in some ways. He's kind and loves his family"

Lucifer : some point they will need to know. But not now"

Little did they know listening to their conversation was Mammon. And he couldn't believe what he just heard and quickly ran off after this.

Later at a restaurant Mammon was at a table talking to MC and Asmo
About what he heard.

MC : are you sure?"

Mammon : yes I'm sure! I wouldn't mishear something like this!"

Asmo : wow.....who would of thought?"

MC: what are you going to do?"

Mammon : I don't know!....what do I do!?"

MC : how do you feel about this?"

Mammon : I....I don't know...."

Asmo : I wonder what Luke would think about this?"

Mammon : I'm sure he would hate it"

MC: not true? Probably just shock. So anyway Someone kept it secret because if word got out it could be bad right?"

Mammon : that's what I Heard.... maybe I should just pretend I heard nothing and forget about it?..... nothing good can come out of this right? Something could happen to the little guy?"

Asmo : so you don't want to be a F-

Mammon : i just found out I have a kid I'm a little stress right now!!"

MC : let's take a breather"

Mammon : I....I can't believe this is happen-!?

Luke : what is happening?"

Luke asked suddenly walking  over to them. Mammon then immediately started looking nervous and said.

Mammon : hey!......what ya doing here?......"

Luke : looking for you?"

Mammon : why what did I do!? What did you hear!?"

Luke : why are you acting weird?"

Asmo : it's Mammon we're talking about"

Luke : anyway you said you were going to take me to the carnival to show me this new ride"

Mammon remembered and said.

Mammon. : Right! Totally didn't forget! Heh......"

Luke : so are we going?"

Mammon : yeah let's get going"

After this Mammon got up and left with Luke.

He looked at Luke thinking about what he found out. Luke was nothing like him. He still couldn't believe it.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jun 29, 2023 ⏰

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