Before You Read

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This is an X reader, so obviously most things have to be left out for it to be more accurate to the reader, but there are some things that I'm going to use for the character that might not be accurate to you so I'm telling you now before you continue so you don't have to read and complain about what doesn't pertain to you.

In this story, Jeff is 19 and Y/N is 17, turning 18 eventually. Y/N's birthday can't be unknown for obvious reasons, so I've set it to be January 29th. Due to Y/N's situation living with just his Dad who has dementia, he's had to feed himself the best he can for a few years so he IS on the skinny side but it shouldn't be mentioned an insane amount if you aren't and still want to read. 

Jeff is around 6 feet tall, so Y/N is a bit shorter than him. I'm gonna say he's around 5'8-5'10 (or about 172-177cm). As much as people can disagree or argue, Y/N's personality can't be entirely up to the reader. The Y/N I've wrote can be flirty, easy to anger, and he keeps to himself. He likes to read, draw, and listen to music. 

Music is a very subjective thing, but I'm just using the stuff I like for him and his friends along with Jeff as well. He'll be into most genres, but mainly metal and other alternative subgenres. His style won't be SUPER out there, but he does care about how he looks, at least a little bit. He'll wear mostly band shirts, baggy clothes, and "alternative" accessories like chains and an ungodly amount of belts. I could've left his style more casual but it's my story so L. 

If it isn't really your thing or is too far off from how you are, just know that this won't be the only story I'll write, I've got plenty of plot lines and story ideas for later. This is just going to be the one I'll be focused on writing for now because I've tried writing multiple stories simultaneously, but it just doesn't work for me. As of now, I won't have a schedule for when I post for many personal reasons, but mostly because I do have depression (If you couldn't tell already) and it hits me very sporadically. If I manage to work it out and am confident in it, I'll update with a schedule.

As for Jeff, I'm going to be as realistic as I can just be aware he's gonna be 19 so there are some things that'll be closer to teenage fics than anything. Jeff has anger issues obviously, and he kills whenever he feels like it because he's still considered a teenager and teenagers suck. He's going to be a bit childish for obvious reasons, but I'm not going to overdo it like most fics tend to do. The way it's going to be written, you'll find out more about him when Y/N does. There will be no switching POVs. 

If you're wondering, which you probably are, there probably will be more mature themes if yk what I mean. I am 17 yeah but I'm closer to an adult than a majority of the writers on here LOL. It's not going to happen quickly, but it will be more detailed that's for sure. And there's a chance it won't be with Jeff first, depending on what I choose when the time comes. 

That being said, I really don't care how old you are as long as you're aware of exactly what you're getting into. I can't physically stop you from reading this. I started reading fanfiction when I was 12 so it doesn't bother me too much. I do advise you to listen to warnings if you're younger than like 15. If you're younger than 15 and read let's say one of the mature chapters, I obviously can't stop you. BUT if you interact with it at all, I WILL SEE IT. I won't say anything or block you or anything but it'll definitely make me uncomfortable knowing someone that young read that.  

Creepypasta is horror, so there are definitely going to be some chapters that will need a trigger warning. When that happens, I'll put a note about it at the beginning of the chapter and if it's just one scene then I'll have some indicator to where it starts and where it ends if you have to skip it. Some chapters may be almost entirely gory or something like that, so there will be a warning at the beginning of the chapter but there will not be indicators.

Besides that, if you're interested in my stories as someone female aligned, just know I will NEVER be writing for female readers. There's plenty out there, and not nearly enough for male readers so I will not be apologetic about it. If you're upset about it, write your own fanfics, just like I am.  If you are female aligned and still read it, that's okay as long as you aren't fetishizing mlm relationships. 

If I have any more to put here, I'll just update it. If you didn't get to this point and write a comment complaining about something I stated here, I will delete it and send you a message telling you to read this.

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