Hop luck

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It was a nice day out in amphibia, Polly, sprig, anne and me where chilling in the livingroom. Anne pulled out her phone showing many pictures of stuff we did at home.

I looked over to polly and sprig who was still amazed by a phone and smiled. "And this is my badboy kitty domino!" Anne grinned, playing a video of her cat meowing. "You guys woud love her! Shes got fire" Anne continued. "Aww shes so tiny! I feel huge." Polly said. "hmmmm..." I looked at sprig, who was planning something. "I will set her free!" He yelled pulling out a Large hammer. Anne quickly reclaims her phone, making sure he didnt damage it in any way. "You need to stop doing that." She sighed. 

Sizziling could be heard from the kitchen, Me and anne recoiled at the stench. "Ugh, what is that?" Anne covered her nose. "Did something crawl under the house and die?" I questioned, doing the same thing as anne. "Worse, guys. Much worse. HopHop is cooking!" Sprig groaned. We all walked over to the kitchen doors, sprig was bout to open them but warned us first. "Brace yourselfs." "Brace ourselfs for what?" Anne imidiatley stopped talikng when sprig opened the door. A huge cloud of green fog left the kitchen. I threw up in my mouth a little and looked at was was cooking. "Whats the plan this year hophop? Poison the competition? Ooh!" Sprig eyes lit up at that lats part. "The plan is to win" Hophop sighed, full of confidence. "Win?" Anne asked. "The annual village potluck. Every year we frogs gather for a great contest. The family who brings the best-tasting dish is showered with love and copper coins. The family with the worst-tasting dish spends the night in..." Thunder striked for dramatic affect in the backround. "The shame cage!" Hophop explained. "Brutal" Anne shrugs. "Very brutal" I added. "And guess which family ends up there every year." Spig groaned. The famiy of three sighed and looked to the ground, me and anne looked at each other and nodded. "If you think that me and y/n are gonne let our favourite froggy family end in a cage, you've got another thing coming!" Anne determandly grinned at her speech. "I know were technically not plantars, but maybe we can help." I added. "Ik Im not that great in the kitchen but anne is, and i will do anything to help" I smiled. "Anne, Y/n, we'd sure appreciate it!" Spring gleemed.

 "So, what you making over there, Hop Pop? Sock gumbo?" Anne asked, while you let out a small laugh. "No, silly. It's a traditional recipe from my family's cookbook. We been using this baby since I was a pollywog." HopHop said, oviously proud of his family traditions. "Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. I think I found your problem, guys." Anne added. The plantars gasp, wanting to know what it is. "Old things are dumb!" She groaned. "Oh that makes sence" Polly agreed. "Its all so clear!" Sprig added. I grumbled, Sure old things can be dumb, but also handy. "But we Plantars have always cooked these recipes. What would my great-gam-gam say?" Hophop sighed, pointing to a painting, with a old frog in it along with text at the bottom that reads 'traditions mean everything'. "wow" I muttered under my breath. "She'd say 'Move on.'" Anne lied. HopHop sighed. "she was a fierce woman"He said. "I can definitely see that." I added without thinking. Anne pulled out her phone and looked for a picture on her camera roll. "Look, if we're gonna win this thing, we need something new, something revolutionary, something no one in the swamp has ever seen before. Something like..." She stopped and pulled it up. "PIZZA!" I grined. "We havent had pizza for ages" I said, my mouth watering. "Whoa!" Sprig awed. "I dont know what that is, but i love it." Polly stood astonished. "Pizza is the ultimate dish. You haven't lived until you've shared one with your friends at the mall. Isnt that right Y/n/n" Anne asked. "Yep, remeber when me, you, sash, and mar-mar started that pizza fight at (pizza place), and everyone joined in." I laughed. "Yes, and we blamed maggie's freinds." Me and anne busted out laughing. "Guys!" Sprig clapped, bringing you back to reality. 

"Now, now, hold on. Before we get carried away, what about this tried-and-true recipe? Swamp mold pot pie!" HopHop said, showing the recipie in his old timey book. "Pizza! Pizza!" Me, sprig and polly chanted. "Okay, okay. Sheesh." Hophop sighed. "We will win this for sure hophop!" Sprig encouraged. "Now all we gotta do is-" Anne stoped and cleared her throat. "All we gotta do is get four ingredients-- dough, cheese, basil, and tomatoes. Are you guys ready to make our pizza dreams a pizza reality?" Anne smiled. "Pizza Dreams!" Polly and sprig yelled at the same time. "Oh! Oh! Maybe we should put pineapple on it. Seems like a natural fit." Sprig suggested. I gulped, even though i (love/hate) pinapple on pizza, if you even sugget the idea to anne... 

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