Reciprocated in parallel.

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A long time has passed and now I'm just a ghost

Living two lives pretending to not be full of lies

Passing through everything like I'm intangible

Sometimes I even go out wearing a person disguise

They looked at me and said: "Are you still with me?"

"Yeah, I think that I'm still here", but actually I'm long gone

I wanted to see her but she's not mine anymore

Sadly I always loved her, since last september

I can't forget the night I met her, That night I met us

Now the sun is almost up and I'm on my way home

Back then I didn't even see her that often

Now I ain't got no time for that

I wish I could undo it somehow

But now I'm just a ghost

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⏰ Última atualização: Jun 30, 2023 ⏰

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