Chapter 4: Battle the Autobots!

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Watching the chunk of Dark Energon fly into the vortex, (C/n) looked at his sire. He soon saw his eyes and Decepticon signet glow purple, it startled him a little. A sinister smirk came to the war lords face before he began to resurrect his legion.

Megatron: "ARISE MY LEGION!!" He loudly commands.

(C/n) just watched on, he honestly didn't know what to do. Being stuck on a backwater planet with nothing but wildlife to keep you company doesn't prepare you for something like this. Granted he killed all the wildlife for the hell of it and for some entertainment—but we don't have to talk about that. He hears a faint chuckle to his father and was wondering if his plan worked since he couldn't see anything that was happening on Cybertron. He didn't even know what Cybertron LOOKED like.

(C/n): "Sire.... were you successful?" he asks.

All Megatron felt was the awakening of his new army. All the Dead of Cybertron rising. He was also grateful that Nightshade's research paid off, if only she could've been here to witness the fruit of her labor. Knowing this did bring a somber tone to the mood for Megatron as he knew that Nightshade would've loved to see this. But he lifts his own spirits by telling himself that he's finishing her work, work that she left unfinished because of the Autobots. Nightshade was also free from being revived from the dark substance because he was adamant in relocating her body into a contained pod on the Decepticon Warship so her body wouldn't be desecrated by anyone. Decepticon and Autobots.

Megatron: "yes." he replies. "More than successful. All that we need to do is eliminate the Autobots and no one will stand in our way of conquering this world." he explains. "Its just unfortunate that Nightshade couldn't be here to see the fruits of her labor. This is something she would've loved to witness." he adds, a little sadness in his tone.

He looks at (C/n).

Megatron: "She would especially be proud of what you've become." He adds with a proud smile aimed at (C/n).

Pride filled the Spark of (C/n) hearing these words. He reached up to grab his axe, but Megatron stopped him.

Megatron: "It is not needed. I wish to see your combat prowess without it, if you wouldn't mind?" he asks.

(C/n) nods and let's go of the axe, allowing it to stay on his back. A brief smirk spreads across Megatron's face before he leaps up and transforms into a Cybertronian jet and flew towards the Space Bridge. (C/n) follows suit and transforms into a Cybertronian jet, with his looking drastically different than Megatron's. His pale white frame being the obvious difference. He flew beside his father as they approached the Space Bridge portal. His gaze falls upon the Autobots, three of them were retreating while the tall red one stood alone. He and his sire transformed back into their main forms and landed in front of the bot.

Megatron: "Your fellow Autobots are wise Optimus. They know when to retreat." he comments.

Optimus: "I hold no illusions on engaging your army Megatron. But I might derail it's objective. By removing it's head." he explains/declares before switching his servo into a blade to fight Megatron.

(C/n) transformed his servo into an Energon Blaster, aiming it at Optimus. So this was the Autobot Megatron spoke highly about? The one he had to look out for. This was Optimus Prime. Megatron laughs at the claim from his old rival and former friend. Finding his bold claim laughable.

Megatron: "Highly unlikely Optimus. For I am infused with their very MIGHT!' he declares. "Besides, I am not your opponent this time around. Instead, I have someone else who so desperately wishes to clash with an Autobot." he said, gesturing to (C/n). "Who better, than the Autobot leader himself?"

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