Chapter 6: Heir to the Throne

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In the quiet wreckage of the Space Bridge, two jets flew through the debris field. Both Skyquake and (C/n) searching for the Decepticon beacon leading to Megatron's potential survival. But as they flew through the debris field, (C/n) is doubting his father survived this explosion. The duo transform back into their base forms and land on a piece of metal and look around. Scattered pieces of debris, burn metal and dust cover most of the space around them. It was deathly quiet besides the sounds of moaning metal and the occasional sounds of metal hitting metal. It was eerie yet captivating. The appearance of such destruction from a massive construct such as the Space Bridge has a hidden beauty to it.

Skyquake: "How could Lord Megatron survive this?" he asks, having been previously informed by (C/n) on the way here.

(C/n): "I'm not sure. But I cannot help but check. If any chance my father's ali-" he is cut off by an echoing groan.

The two of them looked around as that sounded like Megatron. (C/n) sets his sight on someone and floats over to them, using his momentum and the zero gravity to float over to Megatron. He knocked aside any debris that got in his way until he reached Megatron. Skyquake flew over in his jet form but reformed back into his mech form when he saw Megatron. He floats over and hovers beside (C/n).

Skyquake: "Lord Megatron." he says, gawking in shock at the scorch marks and condition of Megatron.

Megatron's once bright silver frame was now dirtied and busted. Scorch marks on all corners of his body from his Head to his feet. There was a large hole in Megatron's chest as well as the War Lord floats there motionlessly. (C/n) shaking yet carefully grabs Megatron but is grabbed by the towering mech suddenly causing (C/n) to flinch. Megatron's red optics meet his heir's before he fades back into stasis moments later. Well, this confirmed he's alive. But how? (C/n) then notices a glow in his chest. He spots the Dark Energon shard he had talked about. He hovers his hand over it before covering the shard with his hand. The faint glow of the shard within breaking through.

(C/n): "Don't worry, sire. I'll ensure you heal properly." he said, calmly.

Skyquake stared on but turned around as he noticed a pair of Flyers. They transform into their mech forms and float over. (C/n) turned to them.

(C/n): "Help me get Lord Megatron to the warship." he orders.

Vehicons: "yes, sir!" they respond, without hesitation.

The two Flyers float over and grab Megatron with care just as a Ground Bridge portal opens. Skyquake went towards it followed by (C/n), the flyers and Megatron. As they passed through the Ground Bridge, (C/n) noticed they ended up in the medical bay with Soundwave standing before them. Once everyone was inside the medical bay, the green vortex closed. The Vehicons got to work on putting Megatron on the berth and attaching tubes to his body to stabilize him. (C/n) walked towards Soundwave.

(C/n): "Is there a designated medic on this ship?" he asks.

Soundwave nods. Maintaining his silent tone.

(C/n): "Where are they?" he asks.

Soundwave: "On their way." he replies, using a set of recordings.

(C/n) sighs. He's worried that Megatron won't have enough time. Once he spots the Vehicons walking away, he turned around and saw that multiple tubes were connected to Megatron. He needs something to distract him in the mean time. Like a certain project of his. He turns back to Soundwave.

(C/n): "Do we have any Protoforms on board?" he asks.

Soundwave tils his head confusedly. Silently questioning the purpose of such a question.

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