Chapter Two

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The morning sun shines through and onto Amelia, which woke her up. She did not get a lot of sleep the night before due to an interaction with a certain officer. As she rolled over, she heard her door open. She saw her younger sister, Rose standing there.

"Amelia you need to get ready we are meeting with Mr.Andrews and Mr.Ismay." Rose explained to her sister. Amelia had forgotten about the meeting. Fifth officer Harold Lowe had taken over her thoughts. "I'll stay to help you get ready, there isn't much time to just lay there."

"Please, just a few more minutes Rose. I did not get a lot of sleep last night." Amelia put her face into the pillow, just wanting to go back to sleep.

"Amelia, we are almost already late! Hurry and get up and choose a dress! I will do your hair!" Rose pulled the sheets off her older sister, making Amelia get up. Amelia walked over to her closet and browsed through her dresses, landing on a light blue dress with silver flowers on it.

"That is a beautiful choice Amelia. Did a man finally catch your eye?" Rose teased her sister.

"Of course not! I just love this color is all." Amelia defended, not wanting to tell her sister about the officer yet. She knew nothing would come of it, even if she wanted to get to know the officer better.

"Well, you got to start getting ready! You know how Cal and mother are about being late."

Officer Lowe was already on his morning shift, exhausted from the lack of sleep he received from the night before. "In an hour, it is your turn to do rounds around the ship. Make sure to go the first class dining area, Mr.Andrews, and Mr.Ismay will be having breakfast with a few first class passengers." Officer Lightoller ordered the fifth officer.

"Yes sir, who is he giving a tour to?" Harold asked, curious on who was lucky enough to have breakfast with the creators of the Titanic.

"Mr. Hockley and his fiancé Rose Dewitt Butaker. I think her sister and mother will be joining them as well." Lightoller answered.

Officer Lowe assumed that the sister Lightoller mention had to be Amelia. Which made his heart skip a beat. He hated that a woman he had just met already has taken over his mind completely. "Yes sir, I'll make sure I'm there."

"Good. Moody I need you to also make rounds as well. Start them in five minutes." The young officer, Moody had been making himself a cup of tea. Moody nodded and Lightoller went to the deck.

"Lowe, you look horrendous. Did you not get much sleep last night?" Moody joked with Harold, earning a glare from the officer. "This wouldn't have to do with the woman I saw you conversing with on the deck last night?"

"Not at all. I was just being nice to one of the passengers. That is apart of our job, remember?" Harold snapped back.

"Yes I know. Also since you're having to meet Mr.Hockley, I will give you a fair warning. He is a stuck up bastard." Officer Moody warned Harold. Harold was not excited to meet him now, but was secretly excited to see Amelia. Even though he could not admit that to himself.

"Splendid." Harold rolled his eyes.

Amelia and Rose hurried to be on time to make the breakfast. They made it just as everyone was starting to sit down. "Well look who finally decided to join us." Cal remarked. Amelia rolled her eyes as she took a seat next to Mr. Andrews and her mother.

"I'm so sorry. I overslept, I was up so late looking at the stars. They are absolutely beautiful." Amelia explained, leaving out the part of having a conversation with the officer.

"Why yes they are beautiful, especially when seeing them on a ship." Mr. Andrews agreed with Amelia, sending her a smile.

"Why yes, Amelia just loves to stargaze. One of her favorite things to do." Ruth explained to the table. She noticed an older lady joining them.

Stargazers : Officer Harold Lowe Where stories live. Discover now